
  • 网络forwarder server;Forward Server;Forwarding Server
  1. SSH客户端发起一个转发服务器端端口的请求。

    The SSH client initiates a request to forward a server-side port .

  2. 其次,给出了汇聚转发服务器的总体设计,从汇聚转发模块及后台管理模块两个部分详细阐述了汇聚转发服务器的具体实现过程。

    Secondly , overall design of gathering server is given . In this section , the paper expounds detailed implementation of forward module and backstage management module .

  3. 转发服务器通过硬盘录像机厂商提供的软件开发包对硬盘录像机实行各种操作,并从硬盘录像机中捕获视频数据及其他一些相关参数发送给该系统的其他模块;录像服务器实现录像保存及回放功能。

    The transmit servers operate the DVR with SDK implying by the manufacturers , and capture video datas and other relevant parameters from the DVR to sent to the other system modules . Video servers implement to save and playback videos .

  4. 因为DataCaptureandDelivery组件通常运行在用于储存和处理数据的资源比较有限的分布式平台中,所以必须将数据转发到服务器平台中。

    Since the Data Capture and Delivery component typically runs in a distributed platform and has limited resources for processing and storing data , the data must be forwarded to a server platform .

  5. 一种方法是使用ssh的X隧道(tunneling)特性将X请求从客户机(即PS3)转发到服务器(即Mac)。

    One is to use ssh 's X tunneling feature to let you forward X requests from the client ( that 's the PS3 ) to the server ( that 's the Mac , in this case ) .

  6. 本文对VNC系统的数据传输技术进行改进,在星形直连体系结构的基础上采用了共享转发控制服务器。

    This passage represents that VNC system has improved data transmission technology . On the basis of the star-shaped Direct Connection Architecture , it adopts the shared forwarding-controlled server .

  7. 网络访问服务器启动和停止通知转发到此服务器

    Forward network access server start and stop notifications to this server

  8. 客户端保留会话密钥,将票证按原样转发给服务器。

    The client retains the session key and forward the ticket to the server as it is .

  9. 反向和转发代理服务器通常在门户服务器环境中作为此类缓存使用。

    Reverse and forward proxy servers typically act as these shared caches in a portal server environment .

  10. 此计算机根据服务器发布规则的条件将请求转发到服务器。

    This computer forwards the request to the server according to the conditions of the server publishing rule .

  11. 本系统不存在专门的会议控制及数据转发中心服务器,所有的会议相关管理及加解密流程均由节点自主完成。

    The system dose not need a special conference control and data forwarding center server , all conference related management and encryption process are completed by the node .

  12. 当这种情况发生时,WebSphereApplicationServer插件会将证书信息从Web服务器转发到应用服务器并信任它。

    When this occurs , the WebSphere Application Server plugin forwards the certificate information from the Web server to application server and trusts it .

  13. 当操作转发到CEI服务器时,Monitor可以对其进行处理。

    When the actions are forwarded to the CEI server , Monitor can process them .

  14. 所谓XML客户机是一种简单的工具,可以用尽可能自动化的方式准备XML消息。然后,您可以将这些消息转发给集成服务器。

    The middle ground is an XML client & a simple tool for preparing XML messages as automatically as possible , which you can then forward to the integration server .

  15. WS-Security策略处理将由WebSphereDataPowerSOAAppliance完成,然后将Web服务请求转发到应用服务器来处理服务操作。

    The WS-Security policy processing will be done by the WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliance then forwards the web service request to the application server to process the service operation .

  16. 在默认情况下,如果到Web服务器的通信是通过HTTPS完成的,则插件在将请求转发到应用服务器时会自动地使用HTTPS,从而保护其机密性。

    By default , if the traffic to the Web server is over HTTPS , then the plug-in will automatically use HTTPS when forwarding the request to an application server , thus protecting its confidentiality .

  17. optionrouters指定TFTP服务器的地址,前提是将路由器配置为在网络中不将TFTP服务器请求转发到TFTP服务器。

    Option routers specifies the address of your TFTP server if your routers are configured in such a way that the TFTP server request is not forwarded on the network to the TFTP server .

  18. 不需要在插件路由器级别维护会话亲缘性,因为当请求被转发给应用服务器时,会话亲缘性将由ODR负责。

    There is no need to maintain session affinity at the plug-in router level , as session affinities will be taken care of by the ODRs when the requests are forwarded on to the application servers .

  19. 这台服务器会转发这台服务器无法应答的请求吗?

    Will this server forward request that this server cannot answer ?

  20. 这是因为次服务器上的更新将被转发到主服务器以执行实际操作。

    This is because the updates on the secondary server are forwarded to the primary to perform the actual operation .

  21. 领域名是用户名的一部分,通常被用来识别请求转发到的服务器。

    A realm name is the portion of the user name that is commonly used to identify the server to which the request should be forwarded .

  22. 反向代理服务器将请求转发到内容HTTP服务器。

    The reverse proxy server forwards the request to the content HTTP server .

  23. LARD引入了一种巧妙的租赁方法,将对相同URL的请求转发至相同的服务器,借此提升系统的整体性能。

    LARD increases the overall performance of the system by introducing a subtle tenancy to forward requests for the same URLs to the same servers .

  24. 实现基于UNIX服务器和TCP/IP协议的,具有动态数据包转发功能的网关服务器,来透明代理用户接入Internet,是本文课题研究的主要目的。

    The main purpose of this thesis is to realize a packet forwarding gateway server based on TCP / IP in the UNIX environment , which is able to help CERNET users access the Internet transparently .

  25. 如果您没有这样做,反向代理服务器就无法将请求转发到内容HTTP服务器,因为它不信任签署内容HTTP服务器的SSL证书的CA。

    If you do not , the reverse proxy server is not able to forward requests to the content HTTP server because it does not trust the CA that signed the content HTTP server 's SSL certificate .

  26. 通过采用Socket复用技术使得KETA在将自身不能处理的动态请求转发到用户级服务器之后,仍可掌握该请求所在连接的控制权。

    KETA can still control this socket using socket reuse technology when the outside Web server is dealing with the socket that KETA redirected to it .

  27. 电话的软件对条形码图形进行分析,然后确定UPC,并将UPC转发到商店的服务器,以进行产品查找和确定价格。

    The picture of the bar code is analyzed , then the UPC is determined by the phone 's software and forwarded to the store 's server for product lookup and price .

  28. 确保PXE服务器在网络的正确位置(在同一子网内),或者确保交换机能把DHPC请求跨子网转发到正确的服务器。

    Make sure the PXE server is on the correct part of the network ( in the same subnet ), or that your switches are forwarding DHCP requests to the correct server across subnet boundaries .

  29. 第二个需求也涉及把邮件转发到特定的服务器。

    The second request also involved forwarding mail to a specific server .

  30. 具有此领域名的连接请求将会转发到以下的服务器组。

    Connection requests that have this realm name will be forwarded to the following server group .