
  1. 相似的经历,相同的生命感受,使得杜甫与庾信情感相通;加上转益多师是汝师的文学观点,使杜甫对庾信接受颇多。

    Similar experiences , " How much is the Ru-Master Teacher " of the literary point of view , makes the Du Fu and Yu Xin empathy , with more in-depth understanding of acceptance .

  2. 本文结合其绘画作品、转益多师、以及用线的审美特征等,探讨并阐述其人物画的线条美、以及对后世的影响。

    This combined with its paintings , turn benefit many divisions , as well as the aesthetic characteristics of a line to explore and explain the beauty of its figure painting , as well as impact on future generations .