
wēn xí
  • review;brush up;revise
温习 [wēn xí]
  • [review;brush up;revise] 重新学习已学过的知识

  • 温习课文

温习[wēn xí]
  1. 让我们先来温习一下前八个秘诀。

    Let 's review the first eight secrets together .

  2. 他们每夜都温习功课。

    They review their lessons night after night .

  3. 不要打扰简,她正在温习功课,准备考试呢。

    Don 't disturb Jane , she 's studying for her exams .

  4. 我去塞维利亚之前一定得好好温习我的西班牙语。

    I must brush up on my Spanish before I go to Seville .

  5. 我最好还是不去参加这个聚会,留在家里温习功课。

    I 'd better skip the party and stay at home to revise .

  6. 我曾打算好好温习一下我的西班牙语。

    I had hoped to brush up my Spanish

  7. 我的英语荒疏了,我得重新温习一下。

    My English has got rusty ; I must brush it up .

  8. 我想重新温习一下动物学。

    I would like to brush up my zoology .

  9. 杰克不能同你一块儿去,因为他需要温习笔记。

    Jack can 't go with you because he needs to brush up on his notes .

  10. 她利用夏天温习了美国历史,因为她秋季要讲授那门课程。

    She spent the summer brushing up on her American history as she was to teach that in the fall .

  11. 好了,同学们。别忘了在明天考试前重新温习一下我的讲义。所有试题都是根据今天我们讨论过的内容出的。

    OK , class , please remember to go over my lecture notes before your exam tomorrow . All the questions will be based on what we discussed today .

  12. 对于很久没有使用类UNIX操作系统的用户来说,这个初始的教程是个很好的温习。

    This initial tutorial is a good brush-up for users who have been away from UNIX-like operating systems for some time .

  13. 不管是什么原因,这里给你介绍一条温习股市近况的捷径:打开iPhone,查看Facebook页面,搞定。

    Whatever the reason , here is a quick way to get reacquainted with recent stock-market history : Slide open your iPhone , check your Facebook page and you are done .

  14. 这份报告涉及一些解剖,所以在你上讲台展示给学生们前最好再一次温习下。CNN新闻,昆杨报道。

    This report involves some shots of dissection , so you probably want to preview it before showing it to your class , once again , here is Kyung Lah .

  15. 尤安:伊米,你是怎样温习功课准备考试的?

    Euan : Immie , how do you review for exams ?

  16. 琼斯先生想要温习他的计算机技术。

    Mr. Jones wanted to Brush up on his computer skills .

  17. 让我们温习英文,准备考试。

    Let 's brush up on our English for the exam .

  18. 让我们一起温习功课来准备考试吧!

    Let 's get together and brush up for the exam .

  19. 汤姆在看电视,而吉姆在温习功课。

    Tom was watching TV while Jim was reviewing his lessons .

  20. 我们也将会有一堂回顾温习内耳生理学的课。

    We will also include an inner ear physiology review .

  21. 她用功准备期终考试。温习数学准备期末考试。

    She swotted for her finals . study for my math final .

  22. 他想温习他的电子学知识。

    He wants to brush up his knowledge of electronics .

  23. 老师传授给我的学业是否温习实行了?

    Have I reviewed the learning the Master handed down to me ?

  24. 经过这些年以后,这种陈旧的知识需要温习一番。

    This dusty knowledge needs brushing up after the passage of years .

  25. 我必须开始温习功课了&期末考试在日益临近。

    I must start reviewing & final exam is looming .

  26. 他正在温习西班牙语课程,做期中考前准备。

    He is brushing up on his Spanish before the midterm exam .

  27. 我回家去温习英语课。

    I 'm going home to study my English lesson .

  28. 他正在温习笔记准备考试。

    He is looking over his notes before the exam .

  29. 琳达正在温习数学课笔记,准备下周的考试。

    Linda is revising her maths notes for the exam next week .

  30. 我们把昨天学的内容温习一下。

    We 'll go over a little of what we did yesterday .