
  1. 在参观的Nikko巴厘Mandara温泉度假及水疗是一个总的感觉经验。

    A visit to Mandara Spa at Nikko Bali Resort & Spa is a total sensory experience .

  2. A.J.杰恩是迪士尼奇幻王国外面的大佛罗里达温泉度假酒店的一名游客,他接受《奥兰多哨兵报》采访表示,早些时候他曾和自己的孩子就是在同一片水边空地玩耍的。

    A.J. Jain , a guest at The Grand Floridian right outside Disney 's Magic Kingdom , told the Sentinel that he and his children were playing at the same beach earlier .

  3. 论温泉度假酒店产品的设计

    A Study on the Design of Hot Spring Resort Hotel Product

  4. 福州作为温泉度假胜地而著名。

    Fuzhou is famous as a hot-spring resort .

  5. 整个日本都可以找到温泉度假地。

    Onsen resorts are found all over Japan .

  6. 温泉度假房配有独立的室外天然温泉池。

    The Spring Vacation House is equipped with a private outdoor natural hot spring .

  7. 当地政府提供了多种多样的东西,其中包括有大理石般色彩纹理的神户牛肉和温泉度假游。

    Local governments are offering things as diverse as marbled Wagyu beef and hot-spring vacations .

  8. 温泉度假娱乐场所温泉水军团菌污染状况及相关因素调查

    Study on the status of pollution by Legionella species in hot spring vacation center and the related factors

  9. 目的是通过多学科交叉综合分析,探寻温泉度假区景观设计要素与景观设计的关系。

    The aim is through interdisciplinary comprehensive analysis ; explore the relationship between landscape design elements and landscape design .

  10. 一家人当时正在迪士尼大佛罗里达温泉度假酒店的一处水边休息,就在这时鳄鱼袭击了男孩。

    The family was relaxing on the shoreline of Disney 's Grand Floridian Resort And Spa when the alligator attacked .

  11. 而温泉度假酒店产品与其他类型酒店产品的区别,实际上也源于客人需求的差异。

    The difference between the hot spring resort hotel and the other kinds hotel comes from the difference of the customer 's demand .

  12. 近年来,温泉度假地的开发加快,但存在一些问题,主要是温泉旅游产品缺乏文化底蕴。

    In recent Years , development of vacationing warm spring places is speeding up , however , warm spring tourism is lack in cultural details .

  13. 今年来,中国企业在日本许多行业进行了投资,其中包括温泉度假项目、高科技产品零部件供应商以及食品加工企业。

    In recent years there have been Chinese investments in many kinds of Japanese business , including hot-spring resorts , high-tech parts suppliers and food processing companies .

  14. 锦绣香江酒店是按白金五星级酒店标准,巧妙地融合了欧式独特而简约的建筑风格而倾力打造的奢华温泉度假酒店。

    Global Villa Hotel is a deluxe hot spring resort that is built according to platinum five-star hotel standard and has deftly integrated the unique simple style of Europe .

  15. 把温泉度假区作为一个完整系统整体协调开发的理想模式,以及需要注意的各类景观影响要素。

    Take the Hot spring resort as complete system to develop and utilize in perfect union , and need to be aware of all kinds of landscape impact factors .

  16. 温泉度假酒店作为度假酒店的一种特殊产品类型,必须有反映温泉度假客人需求的设计理念和符合温泉度假酒店特点的经营方式。

    As a special type of resort hotel , hot-spring resort hotel must have the designing ideas reflecting the guest 's need and the managing ways conforming to the hotel 's characteristics .

  17. 雅顿山温泉度假俱乐部是加州首府萨克拉门托一个很受欢迎的婚礼举办地。据销售经理里克·弗兰西斯介绍,7月7日这一天,酒店的三个婚礼用地已全部被预订。

    A popular Sacramento wedding location , the Arden Hills Resort Club and Spa , had three openings for weddings on the day-all have been booked , said sales director Rick Francis .

  18. 河北华莹白鹿温泉度假中心-温泉篇温泉中大部份的化学物质会沉淀在皮肤上,改变皮肤酸碱度,故具有吸收、沉淀及清除的作用。

    Hot Spring in most of the precipitation will be chemicals in the skin , changes in acidity of the skin , it can absorb , and eliminate the role of precipitation .

  19. 温泉度假酒店的管理,要通过创新的服务和灵活的经营,迎合温泉度假客人各种需求,并通过市场的延伸,增强自身的竞争力。

    The management of hot-spring resort hotel should go along with the guest 's demand by innovative services and flexible management , and strengthen its own competitive power by extending to the market .

  20. 温泉度假酒店的设计,应突出温泉的主题,完善功能配套,关注温泉度假客人对体闲放松、回归自然以及品味文化的需要。

    The design of hot-spring resort hotel should highlight the subject of hot spring , perfect its functional disposition , and cater to the needs of customers for relaxing , returning to the nature and appreciating the culture .

  21. 文章认为,温泉度假酒店产品的设计要牢牢把握两点,一是要符合温泉度假客人的需求特点,二是要体现出与其他类型酒店产品相区别的风格特色。

    This paper suggests that the design must hold two things tightly , the first one is to conform to the market demand , and the second one is to reflect the characteristic of hot spring resort hotel .

  22. 因此,文中产品设计理念的提出、分类产品设计的论述,都是建立在市场分析的基础之上,并紧扣温泉度假客人的需求特点和行为规律来展开。

    So , the idea , the expound of the breakdown product design in this paper are presented on the base of the market investigation and analyzing , and accords to the needs and the behavior pattern of the customer .

  23. 该剧团1914年由一个铁路公司创建,目的是吸引游客前往大阪郊外一个生意惨淡的温泉度假区。剧团最初由几位青少年歌手和舞者组成,最初的一些演出在改造后的游泳池进行。

    Founded in 1914 by a railway company that hoped to lure travelers to a struggling hot spring resort outside Osaka , the group began with a handful of teenage singers and dancers and staged its first performances in a converted swimming pool .

  24. 温泉度假区景观设计应实现温泉水资源循环使用,通过科学的设计,达到减少温泉度假区内外环境的破坏,实现地域景观与历史文化传承以及改善经济效益等目标。

    The landscape design of hot spring resort should realize the conservation , protection and recycle use of water resources , control the damage level of Spa resort itself and surrounding environment to improve the economic benefits and other goals by scientific design .

  25. 温泉度假区,是合理利用温泉资源,扩展人类活动空间,丰富人类游憩休闲生活以及特色历史文化传承的重要载体,实现自然资源与自然环境可持续发展的空间要素之一。

    Hot spring resort is an important vector of the reasonable use of hot springs , extending human activity space , enriching human recreation lives and inheriting local characteristics of history and culture , One of the spatial elements of realizing the sustainable development between natural resources and natural environment .

  26. 四川地区温泉旅游度假地开发的问题与对策

    The Problems and Countermeasures in the Exploitation of Hot Spring Tour in Sichuan

  27. 国内外温泉旅游度假区发展演化模式的探讨

    Research on the Development Model of the Hot Spring Resorts in both China and Foreign Countries

  28. 本文阐述了江苏沙家浜温泉国际度假中心垂直地埋管热响应试验所取得的实效。

    This paper mainly discusses the in-situ thermal response test of buried vertical pipe in Shajiabang Hot-spring International Holiday Centre , Jiangsu Province .

  29. 构建廊桥寻梦之旅、氡温泉休闲度假旅游、畲族民俗风情游等旅游精品;

    Organize the great tourism products such as : the tour of Lang bridge , the vacation at the radon hot spring , the trip of She nation folk custom , and so on .

  30. 郊区一处温泉里,度假者在人工波浪中嬉戏。

    In a hotspring in suburb , the travelers are playing in man-made waves .