
  • 网络lord chamberlain
  1. 你得去跟宫务大臣谈谈。

    You will have to talk to the Lord chamberlain .

  2. 第二天早上宫务大臣前来查看牧羊人的尸骨,却惊奇地发现他还好好地活着。

    Next morning the Lord Chamberlain came to see the shepherd 's bones , and was amazed to find him alive and well .

  3. 次日清晨,宫务大臣很早就来了,还拎着一个提灯,当他看到牧羊人仍好好活着的时候,吃惊得差点一屁股坐到了地上。

    Quite early next morning came the Lord Chamberlain , carrying a lamp and he nearly fell backwards with surprise when he saw the shepherd alive and well .