
  1. 最著名的面食还是北京的宫廷糕点和四川的九园包子。

    Well-known products included palace pastry in Beijing and Jiuyuan stuffed buns in Sichuan .

  2. 宫廷糕点的字样逐渐出现,同时在商店的茶叶柜台上,陈列着标有御用珍品字样的茶盒。

    The certain context of " palace pastry " appears gradually , in the meantime in a shop of tea-leaf counter up , display the tea box that the mark has " For the use of Emperor Eelicacy " certain context .

  3. 那里是以供应宫廷佳肴和糕点而闻名。

    It 's famous for providing palace cooking and cakes .