
lǎo shī fu
  • master craftsman;experienced worker
老师傅 [lǎo shī fū]
  • [experienced worker;master craftsman] 年长于自己的同专业工人;泛称年长者

  • 老师傅,借个火

老师傅[lǎo shī fu]
  1. 我相信,我们是辅助的工具而上帝是最终的老师傅。

    I believe that we are tools and that God is ultimately the master Craftsman .

  2. 我希望人们能认识到,如果有一个“老师傅”坐阵军中,典型软件项目里面困扰整个团队的大部分麻烦就能烟消云散。

    I want people to understand that many of the struggles that plague typical software projects simply fall away when you have a master craftsman at the helm .

  3. 在本文中,我将探讨熟练技师的概念,一个行业老师傅当前版本的概念。

    In this article I 'll explore the concept of the Master Technician , the current incarnation of the old master craftsman .

  4. 如果你情况判断不准,比如说,将一位30岁的妇女称为“老大妈”,或是称一位教授为“老师傅”,人家就会不高兴。

    If you misjudge a situation , calling , say , a30-something matron " lao dama " or a professor " lao shifu ", the person addressed is likely to be at least mildly displeased .

  5. 方丈给老人敬过茶,说道:“老师傅,这修塔的难处你也看到了,你能不能给出个主意,想个办法?”

    Respect for the elderly abbot had tea , said : " Grandfather , the repair of the tower you can see the difficulties , can you give an idea , Come up with a way ?"