
  • the Old Place;My Old Place
  1. 最近的一天,在一次前往摩洛哥南部的风筝冲浪度假之行时,英国巴斯的克里斯·凯利(ChrisKelley)在那里吃了一次午餐,并且表示这个老地方的精心修复给他留下了深刻印象。

    Chris Kelley of Bath , England , stopped there one recent day for lunch on his way to a kite-surfing vacation in southern Morocco , and said he was impressed at how lovingly restored the old place was .

  2. 月亮还是在老地方看着我。

    Moon still in the old place looked at me .

  3. 那家酒吧是我们碰面的老地方。

    The bar was our usual meeting place .

  4. 分–切尔西换人:赖特.菲利普斯入替罗本。小赖特在主场球迷混杂的欢迎下,重返他的老地方

    Chelsea substitution Wright-Phillips for Robben . Wrighty back on his old stomping to a mixed reception . 77

  5. 我平常用的椅子已从老地方移开了。

    My usual chair had been moved from its usual place .

  6. 朱老总,还是老地方嘛。

    Chief zhu , I 'm back at where I started .

  7. 我们可以在老地方建立通讯吗?

    Shall we set up the communications in the usual place ?

  8. 巨大开阔的天空还是在它的老地方待着。

    The big open sky waits in its usual place .

  9. 我们的“老地方”现在成了一个崭新的地方了。

    Our " old place " turns into a brand new place .

  10. 她决定到她的老地方去坐下来。

    She decided to go and sit in the den .

  11. 我不想呆在那个蹩脚的老地方。

    I 'm not going to stay in that fleabitten old place .

  12. 我们为什么不在老地方见呢?

    Why don 't we meet at the same place ?

  13. 卖报人在车站外他的老地方。

    The newspaper seller was in his usual place outside the station .

  14. 我先去老地方找个餐位。

    I 'll go get us a table at the usual place .

  15. 我喜欢去老地方,认得那里的人。

    I like going to the same places , knowing the people .

  16. 又见你咯,还是老地方!

    See you slightly , or the old place !

  17. 她答应第二天晚上在老地方见他。

    She agreed to meet him at the same spot the next evening .

  18. 我还会待在老地方。

    I would , I 'll be still , you know , where .

  19. 一些东西要留在老地方好些。

    Some things were better in the old place .

  20. 老地方,不见不散。

    Usual place , be there or be square .

  21. 你为什么又回到老地方做?

    Why do you wanna go back to the same place you started ?

  22. 警长在我们的“老地方”找到了一颗心脏

    The sheriff found a heart in our spot .

  23. 我们老地方见好吗?

    Shall we meet at the usual place ?

  24. 他还在老地方住。

    He 's living in the same place .

  25. 我们还在老地方见?

    Shall we meet in our regular place ?

  26. 不,我们在医院外的老地方见,好吗?

    No.I wiII meet you outside the hospitai in the usuai piace , ok ?

  27. 我和我的单车还在老地方等你。

    I am still here for you in the same place with my bike .

  28. 你还记得这个老地方吗?

    So do you remember the oid piace ?

  29. 去过很多次那是我和戴维的“老地方”也就是诺兰先生

    Many times . It 's where David and I liked to meet.Mr . Nolan .

  30. 冉阿让仍待在老地方,一动不动地坐在他的界石上。

    Jean Valjean was still in the same place , motionless on his stone post .