
  • 网络lonicera maackii
  1. 金银忍冬果实色素的提取及稳定性研究

    Research on Extraction and Stability of the Pigment of the Lonicera Maackii Fruit

  2. 金银忍冬花器官的发生与发育

    Floral Organogenesis and Development of Lonicera maackii ( Rupr . ) Maxim The Flower Clock

  3. 金银忍冬白粉菌及其重寄生菌的报道

    A Report of Amur Honeysuckle Powdery Mildew Fungi and Its Hyperparasite

  4. 对两种药用植物进行了孢粉学的研究,观察并描述了金银忍冬和金银花的花粉形态。

    The pollen grain of the two species is researched , and the configuration of pollen are observed and described .

  5. 在胁迫期间,金银忍冬叶片相对含水量下降幅度较大,而水分饱和亏增加明显。

    During the stressed period , leaf relative water content of Lonicera maackii Maxim . decreased more , and its water saturation deficiency increase significantly .

  6. 在水分胁迫下,叶片含水量均随着胁迫天数的增加而逐渐减少,胁迫期间,鞑靼忍冬的降幅明显低于金银忍冬。

    Under water stress , leaf water content was gradually decreased with the drought stressed days increasing . In the stressed period , the decrease of Lonicera maackii Maxim .

  7. 说明黄花忍冬和金银忍冬的最佳繁殖方式的异花授粉,即二者的结实率与传粉者访花率高低、传粉者种类的多少有一定的联系。

    For two Lonicera , shows the best way of pollination is the cross pollination , seed set that is both pollinated flowers with high and low rate , the number of pollinator species have some connection .

  8. 1镉铅污染胁迫下,叶片出现失绿症状,以含镉处理最为明显,苗木中以白牛槭和金银忍冬最为突出。

    The results were as follows : 1 Under the stress of cadmium and lead contamination , leaves appeared chlorosis system , Cd ~ 2 + treatment was the most obvious , the system of Acer mandshurica Max. and Lonicera maackii Max.