
  1. 外国人喜欢参观北京的胡同。

    Foreigners are fond of visiting Hutong of Beijing .

  2. 暂时离开人群一会儿,去逛逛北京的胡同。

    For a brief retreat from the crowds , explore Beijing 's hutongs .

  3. 北京的胡同,实际上就是这大大小小的民居院落之间形成的通道。

    Hutongs in Beijing are in fact alleys formed by houses of different sizes .

  4. 遗憾的是最近北京的胡同都逐渐改成高楼公寓。

    Unfortunately , most of the Hutongs in Beijing have been changed into high buildings .

  5. 如果你想逛逛老北京的胡同,坐三轮车是再合适不过了。

    Tricycles are worth using if you want to explore the narrow alleys of old Beijing .

  6. 北京的胡同,二层小楼的一个套间,四面都是通透的玻璃窗。

    Old Hutongs of Beijing , a suite on a2 floored building , glass windows around .

  7. 可以在北京的胡同里、西安古城墙下、漓江江畔骑行;

    bike through Beijing hutongs , along Xi'an 's ancient city wall and by the Li River ;

  8. 在老北京的胡同里,有许多从民间滋生的玩具,陪伴着一茬又一茬孩子度过快乐的童年。

    Generation after generation of children spent their childhood in the hutongs of old Beijing , playing with unique folk toys .

  9. 现在你可以在香港的海滩边观看精彩的烟火表演,或者在北京的胡同放炮仗

    Nowadays , you can watch spectacular fireworks display along the Hong Kong waterfront or play with firecrackers in a Beijing hutong .

  10. 北京的胡同就像密密麻麻的血管遍布在旧城的每一个角落。

    Hutong , lanes and alleys typical in Beijing , like blood vessels , spread over every corner of the old city .

  11. 北京的胡同大部分建于13到19世纪的元、明、清三个朝代。

    The majority of Beijing 's hutongs were built between the 13th and 19th centuries during the Yuan , Ming and Qing Dynasties .

  12. 周末的时候,我们会骑车看北京的胡同。去爬香山,还在动物园给猴子起外号。

    At weekends we often ride bicycles around the alley ways of beijing , climb Shi-ang mountain or even visit the zoo to give the monkeys nick-names .

  13. 从那时起,她便获得了很多机会去学习和体验北京的胡同生活,并把这些经验和她在爱尔兰度过的乡村生活做罗列比较。

    Since then she has had opportunity to study the lives of the Beijing hutongs , and compare them to her experience of living in rural Ireland .

  14. 北京的胡同不仅仅是巷子的称谓,而且还是一种建筑艺术,是北京的平民百姓的生活环境。

    The Beijing Hutong is not just the title of the lane , but also a kind of constructional art and a living environment for Beijing civilians .

  15. 她说自己最喜欢的是北京的胡同,在那里有着最真实的生活气息,那种氛围让她倍感亲切,就像回到了自己的故乡。

    She says she loves Hutong in Beijing , as in hutong you can feel the real living atmosphere , which make her feel hospitable , as she has been back hometown .

  16. 北京城的胡同与民居

    Lane and Folk House in Beijing City

  17. 经过这么多年,北京的很多胡同都被拆除了,还有些胡同被拆除后,在原址上盖起了新的美化版,附近区域也变成了主题公园。

    While many of Beijing 's hutongs have been demolished over the years , others have been leveled and replaced with prettified versions of their former selves , turning neighborhoods into theme parks .

  18. 周末的时候,我穿梭于北京的老胡同(那些历史悠久的狭窄街道),参观中国著名的艺术博物馆和购物街。

    My experiences range from weekend hikes in the old Hutongs ( or narrow streets during the China 's dynastic period ) to trips at China 's famous art museums and shopping streets ;

  19. 然而,就像市政府官员采取行动拆除那一度让北京魅力无限的古老胡同一样,现在他们又开始动手整治烤串商贩。

    But just as they 've moved to knock down the ancient alleyways that once gave Beijing its charm , city officials are now moving to rein in the skewer sellers .

  20. 胡同曾经是北京唯一的民居形式,北京的胡同就象密密麻麻的血管扉页在城市的每个角落。

    Beijing Hutong was the only form of residential areas , Beijing 's Hutong as densely vascular title page in every corner of the city .

  21. 北京独有的民俗文化给刘心武的创作充实了血肉,给他带来了较高声誉,而同时刘心武的创作又将北京的胡同民俗风情提高到更高的文化境界。

    The folk culture that Peking possess singly enrichesed his artisticed , and bring to him the reputation , at the same time his artistic again increase the higher culture state the folk romantic feeling of Peking 's bystreet .