
  • 网络Beijing olympic park;The Olympic Green
  1. 融入城市肌理的奥运舞台&对北京奥林匹克公园规划的思考与探讨

    Consideration and Discussion of the Planning of Beijing Olympic Park

  2. 北京奥林匹克公园后奥运时期发展旅游的新契机

    The Post-Olympic Development of Tourism in the Beijing Olympic Park

  3. 北京奥林匹克公园建筑设计的审美特色

    On the aesthetical styles of Beijing Olympics Park 's architectural design

  4. 北京奥林匹克公园中心区下沉花园雨水泵站设计

    Pumping station design of Beijing Olympic Common Domain underground park

  5. 北京奥林匹克公园公交规划方法研究

    The Public Traffic Planning Methods of Beijing Olympic Green Research

  6. 北京奥林匹克公园网球中心赛场悬挑钢屋盖结构风振响应分析

    Wind-induced responses of cantilevered steel roof of Olympic Park Tennis Center Stadium

  7. 北京奥林匹克公园奥运村D区地下防水施工技术

    Underground waterproofing technique of section D of Olympic Village in Beijing Olympic Park

  8. 理性与浪漫的交织&北京奥林匹克公园的建筑设计美学思想

    Rationality and romantic interweaving & Beijing Olympics Park 's architectural design of esthetical thought

  9. 北京奥林匹克公园深层地热地质分布及运移特征

    The terrestrial heat and geology are distribution in BeiJing Olympic park and moving characteris

  10. 中国声望最高的运动员已经来到伦敦奥运赛场上,准备重拾四年前在北京奥林匹克公园赛道上碎落一地的夺金希望。

    China 's most-watched athlete is returning to the Olympic track four years after his hopes for gold were crushed in Beijing .

  11. 银翼杀手昨日中国中央电视台直升飞机从悬挂于北京奥林匹克公园观景塔上的奥运五环前面飞过。

    Blade runner * a China Central Television helicopter flies past the Olympic rings on a viewing tower in the Olympic Green in Beijing yesterday .

  12. 我们计划的点睛之笔是占地1215公顷,临近市中心的北京奥林匹克公园。

    The jewel in the crown of our plan is beijing 's remarkable Olympic green , 1215 hectares of prime land close to the city center .

  13. 我们的北京奥林匹克公园的设计概念就深深植根于北京的历史文化等背景,并与奥运村周边城区紧密相连。

    Our Beijing Olympic concept is very much tied to the context of Beijing , to the particular urban districts that are adjacent to the Olympic site .

  14. 北京奥林匹克公园作为对北京城市以中轴线为特色的建筑美学之自然延伸,是北京城市美学的重要组成部分。

    The Beijing Olympics Park as natural extension to the Beijing city which takes the axes line as its construction esthetical characters is an important constituent of the Beijing city esthetics .

  15. 最后以2008年北京奥林匹克公园的竞标方案和一小型地块的规划设计方案为例,结合对称中的非对称形式的原则和方法,探讨了该设计引导方法的具体应用。

    Finally , this dissertation discusses the application of this directing approach through the case study of the tender project for 2008 Beijing Olympic Park and the project for a small massif .

  16. 介绍了北京奥林匹克公园奥运村D区地下防水工程的设计方案以及为保证防水工程质量而采取的一系列措施。

    This article introduces the underground waterproofing design of section D of Olympic Village in Beijing Olympic Park . It also presents the measures which ensure the performance of this waterproofing project .

  17. 北京奥林匹克公园规划设计方案优秀奖:北京市建筑设计研究院(中国)/EDSA规划设计公司(美国)/交通部规划研究院(中国)

    PLANNING SCHEME OF BEIJING OLYMPIC GREEN Honorary Mention : Beijing Institute of Architectural Design Research ( P.R.China ) / EDSA Planning Design Corporation ( U.S.A ) / Planning Research Institute of Ministry of Communications ( P.R.China )

  18. 第五章是实践案例的研究,选取株洲云龙生态示范区作为生态雨洪调蓄系统规划的案例,以北京奥林匹克公园为例,分析绿色基础设施在雨洪管理中的应用实践。

    The fifth chapter studies practical cases , take the example of Zhuzhou Yunlong ecological demonstration zones planning as ecological stormwater regulation and storage systems planning case , and take Beijing Olympic Park as an example to analyse the application of green infrastructure stormwater management practice .

  19. 国家游泳中心(“水立方”)位于北京奥林匹克公园内,是北京为2008年夏季奥运会修建的主游泳馆,也是2008年北京奥运会标志性建筑物之一。

    The Beijing National Aquatics Center ( the Water Cube ) , is an aquaticscenter that was built alongside Beijing National Stadium ( the " Bird 's Nest " ) in the Olympic Green for the swimming competitions of the 2008 Summer Olympics . It is one of the landmark buildings in Beijing .

  20. 国家体育场位于北京奥林匹克公园中心区,为2008年第29届奥林匹克运动会和残疾人奥运会的主体育场。工程建筑面积258000平方米,场内观众坐席约为91000个,其中临时坐席约11000个。

    The stadium was designed for use throughout the 2008 Summer Olympics and Paralympics.The " Bird 's Nest , " with the building area of 258000 nf , has room for 91000 spectators , but the capacity will be reduced t0 80000 after the Olympics.In 2001 , after Beijing had been awarded the right to host the 2008 Summer Olympics ,

  21. 2月28日,数百名市民在北京奥林匹克森林公园参加“光猪跑”。

    Hundreds of runners took part in the " Naked Run " at the Olympic Forest Park in Beijing , on Feb 28 , 2016 .

  22. 采用红外CO2测量仪对北京奥林匹克森林公园2007年度的CO2浓度变化特征进行连续跟踪测量。

    The CO2 concentration in Beijing Olympic park was measured continuously with a CO2 infra-red analyzer in2007 .

  23. 关于2008年北京奥林匹克森林公园设计方案的思考

    Thinking on the Master Planning of 2008 Beijing Olympic Forest Park

  24. 北京奥林匹克森林公园山形水系的营造

    The Construction of Mountains and Water in Beijing Olympic Forest Park

  25. 北京奥林匹克森林公园植物景观与生态效益初探

    Preliminary Study on Plant Landscape and Eco-efficiency of Beijing Olympic Forest Park

  26. 北京奥林匹克森林公园公共设施方案意向

    Design of Public Facilities in Beijing Olympic Forest Park

  27. 北京市奥林匹克公园岩溶塌陷危险性评价

    The Danger Assessment of Karst Subside about the Olympic Park Area in Beijing

  28. 北京奥林匹克森林公园水系规划

    Water System Plan of Beijing Olympic Forest Park

  29. 北京奥林匹克森林公园桥梁设计

    The Bridges Design in Beijing Olympic Forest Park

  30. 中国园林叠山的传承与发展&北京奥林匹克森林公园叠山之探讨

    Inheritance and development of the Chinese rockery & discussion of the rockery in Beijing Olympic Forest Park