
  1. 北京公交站台信息图形的传播效能研究导波光的传播的物理图象就是光按Z字形方式通过薄膜传输。

    The Diffusion Effect of Information Graphics at Beijing Public Transport Stations Our physical picture of guided light propagation is that of light traveling in zigzag fashion through the film .

  2. 基于车辆定位的北京公交智能调度指挥系统

    Intelligent Dispatch System for Beijing Public Transport Based on Vehicular Location

  3. 北京公交智能调度系统的网络设计及性能分析

    The Design and Performance Analysis of ITS Computer Network for Beijing Public Traffic

  4. 改善北京公交迎接奥运盛会

    Improve Public Transport in Beijing to Greet Olympic Games

  5. 基于灰色理论的北京公交客运量的预测和分析

    Prediction and Analysis for Public Transit Passenger Volume of Beijing Based on Gray Theory

  6. 因此,在这个大背景下,北京公交系统承担了更大的运输任务。

    Therefore , in this backdrop , the Beijing public transportation system undertakes a greater transportation tasks .

  7. 北京公交查询:北京公交车信息查询,支持离线站站、车次查询。

    This is an App for search BeiJing Bus Info , the UI is only available in Chinese .

  8. 与此,北京公交集团已让所有公交司机向车内配备空调。

    Meanwhile , the Beijing Bus Group has ordered drivers of all buses equipped with air conditioners to use them .

  9. 最后以北京公交数据为例,分析公交线路的形式和公交站点的邻近关系,设计了公交数据库。

    At last , this paper designs database and analyze forms of bus system and proximity relation of bus stations by data of Beijing public transportation .

  10. 本文着重分析了北京公交运营组织与调度的现状和问题,提出了区域运营组织与调度的初步设想。

    This paper lays special stress on the analysis of current situation and problems of Beijing operation organization and dispatch , presents a tentative idea about regional operation organization and dispatch .

  11. 通过北京公交车辆试运营,证明了该系统建设速度快、性能可靠、经济实用,具有广泛的社会及经济效益。

    After test run in Beijing public transportation system , it has been proved that such system features rapid construction , reliable performance , economy and practicability , and possesses comprehensive social and economic benefits .

  12. 在公交IC卡数据的客流规律挖掘模型的基础上,本文选取北京公交集团的客流数据对所设计的模型和算法进行研究,结果证明客流规律挖掘模型具有较好的适用性。

    After building the model of data mining based on bus IC card data , this paper chooses the real IC card data from public transport group , and makes a research on the model and algorithm .

  13. 《新京报》周五报道称,北京公交警方提示,请不要穿着奇异服装进入地铁站及车厢内,那样容易引起群众围观、造成麻烦。

    Public transport police point out : Please do not wear strange outfits in subway stations or in train carriages , which could easily cause a crowd to gather and create trouble , the Beijing News reported on Friday .

  14. 北京城市公交客车循环工况开发

    A Study on the Development of Driving Cycle for Public Buses in Beijing

  15. 北京动物园公交枢纽规划设计与换乘组织分析

    Design and Interchange Organization Analysis of Beijing Zoo Hub

  16. 北京智能公交系统规划与建设

    Planning and Construction of Beijing Intelligent Public Transport System

  17. 论北京大型公交车辆的设计趋势

    The Design Tendency of Beijing Large Public Transport Vehicles

  18. 北京快速公交系统发展规划与示范工程

    Beijing BRT Development Plan and Demonstration Project

  19. 以对北京动物园公交枢纽一段时期实际运营情况的考察为基础,从规划思路、位置环境、建筑结构、流线设计、设施配备等几个方面对其进行分析评价。

    Based on the observation of Beijing Zoo Hub , the paper proposes the analysis and evaluation of plan , location , structure , passenger flow organization and establishment of the hub .

  20. 文章抽象了公交资源调度问题的一般特征和要求,以多级队列算法为基础并将其加以改进,给出了一种适用于ITS的资源调度策略,并成功地应用于北京市公交抢修调度系统中。

    Based on multi-level queue scheduling algorithm , a resource scheduling strategy is put forward that is applicable in ITS . Now , this strategy has been successfully applied in ITS project of Beijing Public Transportation Corporation .

  21. 该智能管理系统旨在提高北京快速公交2号线的整体运营水平和信息化水平,减少了管理成本,为乘客提供更加舒适、方便、快捷的搭乘服务。

    This solution aims at improving the level of the operation of BRT line 2 and level of information , reducing the costs of the management and providing a much better , more comfortable , more convenient condition for public .

  22. 北京奥林匹克公园公交规划方法研究

    The Public Traffic Planning Methods of Beijing Olympic Green Research

  23. 北京市快速公交2号线实施效果分析

    A Performance Analysis of the BRT Line 2 in Beijing

  24. 所以他萌生了这种想法:把北京所有的公交线路都收集到一起,编成一本册子为大家服务。

    By then he first formed the idea of collecting the information of all the bus routes in Beijing and compiling it into a handbook for the public use .

  25. 中国第一条快速公交系统开创公交发展新模式&北京南中轴快速公交系统建设

    The First BRT in China a New Model of Public Transportation Constructed

  26. 面对严重的空气污染和道路拥堵问题,北京政府积极建设公交系统并呼吁群众少开车多坐地铁。

    In the face of heavy air pollution and road congestion , Beijing has been aggressive in building a strong public transit system , and in calling on residents to drive less and use the subway more .

  27. 结果表明,所开发的北京城市循环工况能够反映北京城市公交客车的实际运行状况,具有实用价值。

    The results show that the developed Beijing driving cycle can reflect the actual operation state for public buses in Beijing .