
bāo jī
  • charter flight;chartered plane;chartered airplane
包机 [bāo jī]
  • [chartered plane] 包乘的飞机

  • 成都至香港的旅游包机正点抵达

包机[bāo jī]
  1. 他们乘坐意大利政府的包机到达盖特威克机场。

    They arrived at Gatwick airport on board a plane chartered by the Italian government

  2. 绝不要挑剔包机航班;他们使精打细算的乘客能够去往世界各地。

    Never knock charter flights ; they are opening up the world for budget-conscious travellers .

  3. 你会享受到常规包机乘客一样的餐食服务。

    Catering4 will be available to you as it would be to a regular charter customer .

  4. 粉包机的PC控制

    The Controlling Method of Radial Dipper with PC

  5. 改造PLC程序实现灌包机快速多功能作业

    Achievement of Multi-Function and Quick Operation of Packing Machine by Improvement of PLC Program

  6. 采用STD总线工业控制计算机的漆包机测量控制系统

    The Measurement and Control System of Enameled Wire Machine Based on the STD Bus Industrial Computer

  7. STR算法及在漆包机微机控制系统中的应用

    STR algorithm and its application to microcomputer control system for enamelled wire machine

  8. 提高DCC型自动称重灌包机称量速度的研究

    The Study on Increasing the Weighing Speed of Automatie Weighing and Bagging Machine

  9. 在漆包机烘炉温度控制系统中采用模糊PID结合前馈补偿算法的模糊解耦控制算法,把多输入多输出的漆包机烘炉改变成为多个单输入单输出系统。

    The enameling machine oven temperature control system using fuzzy PID combined with feed-forward compensation algorithm , transferred multi input and multi output into a number of single input single output system .

  10. 官方媒体新华社周末在其微博账户报道称,中国廉价航空公司春秋航空(SpringAirlines)暂停了6月19日之前所有从上海飞往越南的包机航班。

    Over the weekend , the official microblog of state news agency Xinhua reported that Chinese low-cost carrier Spring Airlines was suspending all charter flights from Shanghai to Vietnam until June 19 .

  11. 切尔西的私人包机航班BMI无法离开奥博丁机场,也无法到纽卡去接球队,所以切尔西被困了。

    Chelsea 's private chartered BMI flight was unable to leave Aberdeen airport to pick the squad up at Newcastle , so they were stranded .

  12. FOCKE条包机输出堆码器的改进

    Development of the Output Stack Machine of FOCKE Cigarette Machine

  13. 他说,国泰航空(CathayPacific)的姊妹航空公司港龙航空(Dragonair),也推出了香港和岘港之间的非包机航班。

    He said Dragonair , a sister airline of Cathay Pacific , had also opened non-charter flights between Hong Kong and Da Nang .

  14. 160t钢包翻包机结构与功能

    The Structure and Function of the 160t Ladle Tilting Machine

  15. 泰国PC航空的这条新的包机航线的人妖空姐上周四在从曼谷开往南部城市苏拉特他尼的航班上首次亮相,为乘客提供饮料、零食、并完成安全示范,其中包括22岁的谭雅娜。

    Working for new charter airline PC Air , transsexual flight attendants including 22-year-old Tanyarat Jirapatpakorn made their debut on a flight from Bangkok to the southern city of Surat Thani on Thursday , serving drinks and snacks and carrying out safety demonstrations .

  16. 过去一年里,包机飞往夏令营营地的家庭也明显增多。私人飞机公司&蓝星航空公司(BlueStarJets)表示,与宿营旅游业务相关的利润增长了30%。

    The number of families chartering aircraft to fly to summer camps has also dramatically increased over the past year , with one private jet company , Blue Star Jets , reporting a 30 per cent rise in camp-travel related profits .

  17. 位于马里兰州贝塞斯达的美国国家卫生研究院(NationalInstitutesofHealth,简称NIH)表示,那名美国人是在一家治疗中心工作期间被感染的,而且已有一架包机奉命将该人接回美国进行隔离。

    The National Institutes of Health in Bethesda , Md. , said the American , who was not identified , became infected while working at a treatment center and had been ordered flown back to the United States in isolation in a chartered plane .

  18. 阮轩平说,5月之前,岘港中国人入境旅游市场的增长,主要和2012年以来包机航班的急剧增多有关,经营这些航班的有越南航空公司(VietnamAirlines)、中国东方航空公司和中国南方航空公司。

    Mr. Binh , the Da Nang tourism official , said growth in the city 's inbound Chinese tourism market before May was mainly related to a sharp rise since 2012 in charter flights operated by Vietnam Airlines , China Eastern Airlines and China Southern Airlines .

  19. 前述负责旅游事务的官员阮轩平表示,从中国到岘港的包机航班背后的“主要驱动因素”是该市的大型海滨酒店岘港皇冠假日酒店(CrownePlazaDanang)。

    Mr. Binh , the tourism official , said the " main driver " behind the Da Nang charter flights from China was the Crowne Plaza Danang , a large hotel on the city 's beachfront .

  20. 本文阐述STR算法在漆包机微机控制系统中的应用,说明用单板机实现这种算法时应如何选择预报模型、可整定参数和数据类型等。

    This paper describes the application of STR Algorithm to a microcomputer control system for enamelled wire machine and explains how to choose prediction model , adjustable parameters as well as data type when the algorithm is realized by single board computer .

  21. 或者也可以使用Victor这种提供“空驶航班”的服务(别人预订了单程飞机后,你可以付费使用返程部分),最多比传统的包机价格低75%。如何把握尺度?

    Or use a service like Victor , which offers " empty leg " flights ( the return portion of a booked one-way trip ) at up to 75 % off the cost of a conventional charter . How much is too much ?

  22. 本文结合企业实际情况,针对烟草企业对进口卷烟设备的使用情况,介绍一种德国FOCKE烟草机械条包机输出堆码器的改进方案。

    This paper introduces a method of developing the output stack machine of FOCKE cigarette machine , based on the actual instance of corporation and using for the import baccy machine .

  23. 通过DCC型灌包机称量过程的分析,阐述影响称量精度和称量速度的主要因素是粗、细加料门关闭产生的机械振动和加料流变化的冲击力。

    Through the analysis of the weighing process , this paper presents that the main factors influencing the weighing accuracy and the weighing speed are mechanical vibration and blast force of material flow which occur at closing full and dribble feed door .

  24. 中国民用航空局(CAAC)昨日在一份声明中表示,由于例行性军事演习,包机和私人飞机飞行计划申请全部暂停,同时要求商业航空公司减少华东多数大型机场的起降航班。

    All unscheduled or private aircraft flights have been suspended and commercial airlines have been ordered to cut the number of routes in and out of most big airports in eastern China because of routine military exercises , the Civil Aviation Administration of China said in a statement yesterday .

  25. 接替她的临时总统、中间派的米歇尔.特梅尔(MichelTemer)迅速对空难受害者表示哀悼。在这次空难中,失事飞机是由玻利维亚包机航空公司Lamia运营的英国宇航146型(BAe146)支线客机,飞机坠落在了一片多山地带。

    Her replacement as president , the centrist Michel Temer , rushed to give his condolences to the victims of the crash , in which a British Aerospace 146 short-haul aircraft , operated by Lamia , a Bolivian charter airline , came down in mountainous terrain .

  26. 如果你认为租豪车还不够拉风,甚至可以加入JumpJet或NetJets这样的私人飞机俱乐部,价格远低于包机。

    And if leasing a luxe sports car isn 't flashy enough , you can join a private jet membership club like JumpJet or NetJets for steep discounts on chartered flights .

  27. 该公司负责东南亚事务和度假村的首席运营官陈汉泉(ClarenceTan)在一份通过电子邮件发出的声明中表示,中国政府最近发布的旅游公告,以及直达岘港的包机航班的减少,导致公司在岘港的酒店接待的中国游客减少。

    Clarence Tan , the company 's chief operating officer for Southeast Asia and resorts , said in an emailed statement that China 's recent tourism advisory from the Chinese government , coupled with the reduction in direct chartered flights into Da Nang , had contributed to a decline in Chinese arrivals at the company 's Da Nang properties .

  28. NetJets目前在富有的中国南方广东省的珠海金湾机场拥有两架飞机,最初将推出包机和维修、机组人员配备以及飞机存储等服务。

    NetJets has begun operations in China by basing two aircraft at Zhuhai Jinwan airport in the wealthy southern province of Guangdong , and will initially offer charter flying and services such as maintenance , crewing and storage of jets .

  29. 你打算乘班机去还是包机去?

    Are you going by a scheduled flight or by charter ?

  30. 安塔利雅包机。一只鸟进入了涡轮。

    The antalia charter . a bird got into the turbine .