
  1. 中国零售业发展之路&农村包围城市

    Way to China 's Retail Industry Development & Countryside Surrounding City

  2. 让森林包围城市,让市民走近森林。

    Forest around the city , citizen in the forest .

  3. 市环是州际高速公路计划包围城市。

    The Urban Loop is an interstate highway planned to encircle the city .

  4. 解放被包围城市或城镇的行为。

    The act of freeing a city or town that has been besieged .

  5. 农村包围城市道路理论形成过程研究

    Research on the Forming Process of Theories of the Road of Village Surrounding the City

  6. 革命可以通过农村包围城市的方式进行。

    It could start in the countryside and then go on to encircle the cities .

  7. 列宁能预料到中国会用农村包围城市夺取胜利吗?

    Could Lenin foresee that the Chinese revolutionaries would win by encircling the cities from the countryside ?

  8. “农村包围城市”理论再运用的思考

    Another Thought on the Application of the Theory , " Encircle the Cities from the Rural Areas "

  9. 几乎二十年后再次包围城市的丹麦人,只能再次被击败由阿尔弗雷德大王。

    Almost two decades later the Danes besieged the city again , only to be defeated once more by Alfred the Great .

  10. 这是党选择农村包围城市道路和统一战线策略的历史依据。

    This is the historical basis of road of town of encircle a city of bag of party choice country and united front strategy .

  11. 中国革命的成功,在很大程度上取决于农村包围城市的革命路线,取决于对农民的动员。

    The success of Chinese revolution depended to a great extent on the way of encircling the cities from the rural areas and mobilizing peasants .

  12. 创造性地提出了农村包围城市的战略,走十月革命的道路,但采取与十月革命不同的方式。

    It proposed the creative strategy of encircling the cities from the countryside and taking the path of the October Revolution while adopting different methods .

  13. 包围城市的闪闪发光的白色之间有一个令人难以置信的蓝色光环,波光粼粼的海的颜色环绕着裸露山体泥土的颜色。

    The earthen colors of the bare hills which surround the town 's gleaming whiteness is set between the aura of an incredibly blue sky and even deeper blue sparkling sea .

  14. 以村委会选举为核心的村民自治,是中国九亿农民的又一伟大创举,是又一次农村包围城市的伟大战略。

    Villager autonomy , a core of villagers ' committee election , is not only a pioneering work of hundreds of millions of villagers but also a great strategy of countryside surrounding city .

  15. 1927年以来,农村包围城市的理论,经过了从实践到理论,再从理论到⑥焦位论文51llESIS实践的过程,经受了无数次失败与成功的考验,终于付诸实现,获得成功。

    From 1927 , the theory of surrounding cities from countrysides experienced processes from practice to theory , then from theory to practice , undergoing innumerable tests of failure and success . This theory was implemented and got full success at last .

  16. 从这样四条衡量标准出发,农村包围城市道路理论、社会主义初级阶段理论、社会主义市场经济理论、构建社会主义和谐社会理论,可以说是马克思主义中国化历程中最显著的重大理论创新成果。

    In light of these criteria , such theories like encircling the cities from rural areas , the primary stage of socialism , the socialist market economy , constructing harmonious society and so on can be justified as major theoretical innovation in the localization process of Marxism in China .

  17. 敌人包围了城市

    The enemy encompassed the city .

  18. 于是,他来到了罗得岛,准备给予这个被包围的城市作最后的打击。

    And so he went to Rhodes to deliver the final blow to the besieged city .

  19. 法国和马里军队也正在包围历史城市廷巴克图的激进武装份子。

    French and Malian forces are also closing in on militants in the historic city of Timbuktu .

  20. 而纽约却是被水包围的城市。

    New York is surrounded .

  21. 一名叙利亚官员称,600多人已从被包围的城市霍姆斯中撤离。

    A Syrian official says more than 600 people have been evacuated from the besieged city of Homs .

  22. 18世纪末,耶尔是个被橘树果园包围的城市。

    At the end of the18th century , Hy è res was a village surrounded by orange tree plantations .

  23. 回到城市,回到被机械包围的城市,回想起古老村庄的阳光,还能一点点温存着我。

    Go back to the city , go back to the city , mechanical surrounded ancient villages recall sun , still can a little warmth with me .

  24. 据说,在古代,包围了城市密集的竹林,闻名于生产乐器被称为朱。

    It is said that in ancient times , the city was surrounded by dense bamboo groves and was famous for producing a musical instrument known as Zhu .

  25. 威廉·莫里斯真正成长起来是在伍斯特附近的牛津,这座在泰晤士河和查尔韦河包围的城市,始终庇护着威廉·莫里斯和他的汽车梦想。

    William Morris is the real Worcester grew up near Oxford , the search Helveg in the River Thames and surrounded the city , always sheltered the William Morris and his dream car .

  26. 梅哈德维说,利比亚领导人卡扎菲的家乡苏尔特,或者被包围的城市米苏拉塔更有可能是埋藏地雷的地点,但很难知道确切位置。

    Mehadawi said areas around Sirte , Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi 's hometown , or the besieged city of Misrata would be likely places for the hidden munitions , but that it 's very difficult to know their precise location .

  27. 他们正在调动军队包围这座城市。

    They 're coordinating some sort of military perimeter around it .

  28. 敌军包围这座城市达4个月之久。

    Enemy troops besieged the city for four months .

  29. 部族民兵包围了整个城市。

    The lnterhamwe have surrounded the whole town .

  30. 亚兰人的军队包围了那个城市并切断了他们的粮草供应。

    The Syrian army camped around the city and cut off their food and water supply .