
  • 网络Packaging Box
  1. 基于AutoCAD的包装纸箱参数化设计系统

    Parameterized Designing System of Packaging Box upon AutoCAD Software

  2. 台湾包装纸箱业见闻

    Information of Packaging Box Industry in Taiwan

  3. 粘接PVC装饰膜其性能符合HG4119779部颁标准。共聚物对于木材、玻璃、陶瓷、瓷砖、混凝土墙面、壁纸、薄铁、包装纸箱密封条、均有良好的粘接性。

    The application of the copolymer to the binding of PVC decorative film could meet the standard HG4 1197 79 . The copolymer has good adhesion to wood , glass , ceramics , ceramic tile , concrete , wall-paper and so on .

  4. 薯渣制取包装纸箱用粘合剂的研究

    Research on Production of Binder Used for Carton from Sweet Potato Dregs

  5. 运用价值工程改革出口商品包装纸箱的配料工艺

    To Improve Export Commodities by Value Engineering Burdening in the Production of Packaging Boxes

  6. 共聚物对于木材、玻璃、陶瓷、瓷砖、混凝土墙面、壁纸、薄铁、包装纸箱密封条、均有良好的粘接性。

    The copolymer has good adhesion to wood , glass , ceramics , ceramic tile , concrete , wall-paper and so on .

  7. 包装纸箱废水成分复杂,有机物浓度较高,且含有大量的染料,可生化性差,处理难度较大。

    Wastewater from packing carton production is characterized by complicated components , high organism concentration , poor biodegradability , and difficult treatment .

  8. 卡夫饼干运输包装纸箱抗压性能与配纸优化的研究硬纸板盒[用于商业包装,储存或运输]

    The Research of Compression Performance and Paper Optimum Design of Kraft Biscuit Shipping Box riged paperboard carton [ for commercial packing , storage or ransport ]

  9. 食品包装纸箱传送系统是一种要求卫生条件较高的系统,故采用了新型的卫生条件好的塑钢传送机来组成该系统。

    Food packing paper box transducer is one kind of request health condition higher system , therefore used the new hygienic condition good to model the steel conveyer to compose this system .

  10. 五类包装机械纸箱包装机械列为榜首

    Five Kinds of Packaging Machinery Box Packaging Machines List First

  11. 人们需要把产品包装在纸箱里,然后还要放进一个标准转载尺寸中(可能包含一个物理托盘)。

    A person needs to pack a product in boxes and then into a standard load size ( may or not include a physical pallet ) .

  12. 所有的商品都应该用出口的纸箱包装,纸箱必须可以承受海陆运输及工人的搬运。

    All the commodities should be packed in export master cartons , which are to resist sea and auto transport handling , as well as stevedoring works .

  13. 因为不利于再包装,纸箱包装不被推荐,任何因包装不当导致的损毁赔偿一律不予批复。

    The packing in cartons is not recommended as it is not suitable for repeated handling and repacking , any damage and claims will not be accepted to the unsuitable carton packages .

  14. 本课题对包装件纸箱选择各向异性材料模型,该模型能够准确的模拟瓦楞纸板的特性,更精确的模拟结果。

    The project chooses orthotropic elasticity model as the material model of packaging box , because this model can accurately simulate the characteristics of corrugator plants and show the simulation results more accurately .

  15. 摩托车包装用瓦楞纸箱性能剖析

    Analysis on the Performance of Corrugated Paper Box for the Packaging of Motorcar

  16. 外包装:瓦楞纸箱适合装西氏标准箱数量并保证运输完好无损。

    Secondary packaging : corrugated carton suitable to contain West standard carton quantities and to maintain product integrity during shipping .

  17. 我们用塑料袋将羊毛衫装好,再装进标准出口纸板箱。出口包装用瓦楞纸箱抗压力合格评定方法的探讨

    Woolen sweaters will be wrapped in polybags and packed in standard export cartons . Discussion on Presure Resistance Assessment Method of Corrugated Fiberboard Box

  18. 该公司专注于提供的产品和服务有关的可回收塑料包装,瓦楞纸箱包装和购买点显示,药品的标签和包装产品。

    The company focuses on providing products and services related to returnable plastic packaging , corrugated packaging and point-of-purchase displays , pharmaceutical labeling and packaging products .

  19. 卷烟厂成品库管理所使用的商品流通采用标准版EAN-13条码,该条码属于一维条码。烟箱外包装箱采用瓦楞纸箱,外侧印有条码,能够自动识读记录烟的品种。

    The commodity currency of the Tobacco Factory makes use of EAN-13 Standard , which is a kind of one-dimension code .

  20. 许多商品甚至会包装成一个纸箱展示台。

    Many will even be ready-packed into a cardboard display stand .

  21. 货物要用木箱包装而非硬纸箱。

    The goods are to be packed in wooden cases , rather than cardboard cartons .

  22. GB/T16717-1996包装容器重型瓦楞纸箱

    Packing containers & Heavy duty corrugated box

  23. 布匹在装入木箱以前要用牛皮纸包好。GB/T16717-1996包装容器重型瓦楞纸箱

    The piece goods are to be wra ed in kraft paper , then packed in wooden cases . Packing containers & Heavy duty corrugated box

  24. 纸包装容器在化妆品包装中的应用纸箱防潮用涂料的研制

    Carton Applications in Cosmetics Packaging

  25. 本实用新型公开了包装领域中一种提手孔强度高的包装纸箱。

    The utility model discloses a packing paper box with high-strength eye ring hole in the package field .

  26. 包装盒有:瓦楞纸包装盒,白卡纸盒,精装盒,礼品包装盒,牛皮纸盒,展示盒,PVC透明包装盒,彩色纸箱,普通手袋,特种纸手袋等。

    Box are : corrugated boxes , white card boxes , hardcover box , gift box , paper box , display box , PVC transparent box , carton , ordinary handbag , handbags and other specialty paper .