
  • 网络Poikilitic texture;Structure
  1. 矿石结构主要有碎裂结构、自形-半自形结构、包含结构。

    Major textures of ores are cataclastic texture , euhedral-subhedral granular texture , poikilitic texture .

  2. 组合机床CAD研究包含结构设计、多轴箱设计、夹具设计和控制系统设计等方面。

    Research of modular machine tools includes structure design , multi-axle design , fixture design , hydraulic system and electric control system design and so on .

  3. Hadoop非常适合处理包含结构数据的大型文件。

    Hadoop is well-suited for processing huge files containing structured data .

  4. Matlab语言基本元素是矩阵,提供了各种矩阵的运算和操作,其中包含结构可靠度计算中常用的各种数值计算方法工具箱。

    The basic element of Matlab is matrix which provides many kinds of operation and calculation of matrix including some toolboxes in common use for the numerical computation of reliability .

  5. 通过预测、检验、比较,发现包含结构突变的趋势平稳序列模型对我国1952年到2006年间GDP数据进行模拟、预测的效果最优。

    Through the forecast , inspection , comparison , contains the trend of structural change stationary sequence model in China from 1952 to 2006 GDP data simulation , the effect of forecasting the optimal .

  6. 目标包含结构的文本阅读中目标信息的激活

    Reactivation and Integration of Goal Information in Text Comprehension with Inclusive Relations

  7. 此方法包含结构验证、可靠性验证两个部分。

    The approach consists of two parts involve structure verification and reliability verification .

  8. 门式起重机通常是包含结构、机构等部件的复杂系统。

    The gantry crane is generally a complex mechanical system with components of structure and machinery .

  9. 然后通过实证分析,获得了包含结构突变的人民币均衡汇率及偏差。

    Then acquires RMB equilibrium exchange rate and its deviation containing structure mutations through empirical analysis .

  10. 矿石具柱粒状变晶结构、鳞片变晶结构、包含结构,浸染状构造、块状构造。

    Ores have columnar crystalloblastic fabric , lepidoblastic texture , inclusion texture , impregnation structure and block texture .

  11. 您可以根据原型来对元素分类,并且还可以显示软件组件的包含结构。

    You can categorize he elements by the stereotypes , and also show the containment structure for the software components .

  12. 对结构加速度响应信号进行小波包分析,提取小波包含结构损伤信息的特征向量。

    Analyse the structural acceleration response signal with wavelet packet , and extract the eigenvector that containes structural damage information .

  13. 铸铁的遗传性包含结构信息保留、成分遗传效应和物性特征保存。

    The heredity of cast irons includes conservation of structure information , composition heredity effect and conservation of physical properties features .

  14. 我们利用包含结构转变点的最小二乘估计方法,获得了通货膨胀率自回归模型的结构转变点估计和区间估计;

    By using the least square estimation with structural breaks , we have the point estimator and interval estimator for the autoregression model of inflation rate .

  15. 不论传统结构优化、可靠性分析,还是基于可靠性的优化设计,都包含结构分析和优化设计两大部分。

    No matter the traditional structure optimization , reliability analysis , or the optimization design which based on the reliability , all contain structure analysis and optimization design .

  16. 但这还不包含结构基础内的1000吨压舱块,因为这个涡轮机必须能够承受强大的苏格兰海流。

    That 's not including the1,000 tonnes of ballast blocks in the structure 's foundations , as the turbine has to be able to withstand the strong Scottish currents .

  17. 摘要可制造性知识包含结构工艺性、设计标准化以及企业生产资源约束等,其内容具有复杂性和不确定性的特点。

    The knowledge of manufacturability contains technological property of structure , standardization of design and constrains of enterprise production resource etc. , and its content possesses features of complexity and uncertainty .

  18. 复制包含结构的变量时,将复制所有数据,对新副本所做的任何修改都不会改变旧副本的数据。

    When a variable containing a struct is copied , all of the data is copied , and any modification to the new copy does not change the data for the old copy .

  19. 结构振动响应包含结构本身的固有特性,通过对响应信号的模态参数识别可以真实反应结构特性,为诊断结构健康状况提供依据。

    Vibration response contains the inherent characteristics of the structure . The identified modal parameters can just reflect the structural properties , which could be applied to structural damage detection and health monitoring .

  20. 针对高速、高精度机电一体化系统的设计要求,研究了单臂机械手机械/控制并行设计的方法,提出了包含结构参数和控制参数的性能配置优化模型。

    With regard to the performance requirement and configuration of a single-arm-manipulator , the concurrent design method of mechanical and control system is discussed , and the optimum model including structure and control parameters has been proposed .

  21. 基于结构动力学理论分析了结构在爆破地震作用下的动力响应,发现结构位移响应函数包含结构自振频率和爆破地震谐波频率因子。

    Based on dynamics of structure , the dynamic response of structure resulting from blasting seism is analyzed . It is found that displacement function of structure includes fundamental frequency of structure and frequency of blasting seism .

  22. 同时,现存包含结构突变的测算方法一般直接在标准模型中加入虚拟变量,通过线性回归确定该虚拟变量的系数,进而判断该突变是否重要。

    At the same time , the existing calculations which contain structure mutations usually add dummy variables into the standard model directly , determine their coefficient through linear regression , and then judge the importance of the mutations .

  23. 而识别信息的精确程度往往与实测信息的数量和精度直接相关,这就需要采集大量的测试信号,并且应尽可能全的包含结构的全部信息。

    The precise degree of the identification information is directly related with the number and accuracy amount of measured information . It needs to collect a large amount of test signals , containing all the information of complete structure as far as possible .

  24. 在此基础上,把柔性结构动力学和控制理论相结合,建立了包含结构参数和控制参数的性能配置优化模型,并以系统的转动惯量和控制能量指标为目标函数对机电设计参数进行了优化。

    Then , by the combination of dynamics of flexible structure and control theory , the optimum model including structure and control parameters is proposed . Finally , the objective function , which contains the moment of inertia and the control effort of system , is optimized .

  25. Atom允许实例对包含文本结构的元素指定一个xsi:type属性。

    Atom allows instances to specify a type attribute on elements containing text constructs .

  26. 现在以包含更多结构且更为有用的SOAPHeader为例。

    Now consider a more useful SOAP header that contains a bit more structure .

  27. 在更新的版本中,我们需要通过定义一个包含消息结构定义的XML模式来设置该字符串的标准格式。

    In our updated version , we want to formalize that by defining an XML schema that contains the definition of the structure of the message .

  28. 因此,可以从原始消息中提取包含重复结构的XML块,然后将它们传递到接下来的XML输入stage。

    Thus , you can extract the XML chunks containing the repetition structure from an original message and then pass them to following XML input stage ( s ) .

  29. 所编制的程序能自动生成包含主要结构件和内部布置的飞翼CAD模型,并能计算出飞翼无人机质量特性计算和质心位置。

    The programs were developed to automatically generate the CAD model of the structural and internal layout of fly-wing UAV , and predict the mass and the centroid .

  30. 这些命令将提取temp目录下包含目录结构的整个文件系统。

    These commands will extract whole file system with its directory structure under directory temp .