
  • 网络Syngenetic Deposit;syngenetic ore deposit
  1. 同生沉积矿床在变形变质过程中的再活化,会在矿床中产生许多后生特征,这一点在研究矿床成因时必须充分注意。

    Reactivation of the synsedimentary deposits during deformation and metamorphism would add many epigenetic features to the deposits , which should be paid more attention during research .

  2. 而热卤水同生沉积型矿床中,Ba的含量特别高,它可作为海底热液活动的证据之一及寻找此类矿床的地球化学指标。

    However , Ba content is very high ( > 2000 × 10-6 ) in Ag-Pb ore deposit of thermal brine and syngenetic type . It is therefore feasible to regard the anomaly of Ba in rocks as one of the evidences of submarine hydrothermal activity and a geochemical indicator .