
  1. 基于微观仿真的同站台换乘站客流疏散研究

    Study on Modeling and Simulation of Evacuation in Cross-platform Transfer Station

  2. 同站台换乘车站方案研究

    On Schemes for One - platform - interchange Station

  3. 同站台换乘车站的线路组合方案研究

    Line Layout Schemes for One-platform Interchange Stations

  4. 旨在对同站台换乘站的客流行为和规律,以及对车站乘客疏散时的情况进行分析和研究。

    To study the behaviors and laws of passenger flows and the evacuation situation of passengers in cross-platform transfer station , a micro-simulation model for evacuation was built .

  5. 摘要:随着我国城市建设事业的飞速发展,我国的地铁建设事业也进入了一个空前发展的时期,地铁的不断扩展和延伸要求采用各种换乘方式,同站台平行换乘是其中的一种。

    ABSTRACT : Along with the rapid development of urban construction , subway construction in China has entered a period of unprecedented development , the continuous expansion and extension of the metro requires a variety of transfer methods , in parallel with the transfer station is one of them .

  6. 此外,也使巴黎运输公司(RATP)所经营的地铁线路与法国国营铁路(SNCF)所经营的市郊铁路可以在同站台方便地换乘。

    This is convenient for people to transfer from the metro line of RATP to the suburban railway of SNCF at the same platform .