
  • 网络homoplasy
  1. 它们通常同热塑性树脂如EVA、EEA、聚乙烯、聚酰胺、聚酯等掺合。

    They are often the same thermoplastic resin such as EVA , EEA , polyethylene , polyamide , polyester and other admixtures .

  2. 指以弹性体同热塑性树脂掺合物为基料的密封胶。

    Refers to the elastomer Blends with the thermoplastic resin-based sealant material .

  3. 研究结果表明,同热塑性一样,高温强度同样是影响球铁高温成型能力的重要因素。

    It 's shown that the high temperature strength like the hot plasticity is also an important factor to the hot plastic deformability .