
  • 网络cci;cochannel interference;Co-channel;Co-channel interference
  1. 使用基于二阶多项式Nyquist波形降低同信道干扰的影响

    Reduced Cochannel interference Using Second-Order Polynomial class of Nyquist pulses

  2. 提案方式中,相距较近的通信终端采用小功率发射的直接通信模式,谋求减轻同信道干扰、增加系统的通信容量。

    The direct communication model that uses the low power launch between the nearer terminals tries to reduce the cochannel interference , and increase the communication capacity .

  3. 单小区多用户MIMO多接入系统性能受限于同信道干扰。

    Single cell multiple user MIMO system is interference-limited by cochannel .

  4. 具有同信道干扰的MIMO各态历经信道容量研究

    Research on MIMO Ergodic Capacity with Co-Channel Interference and Noise

  5. 比较遗憾的是,由于存在同信道干扰,该问题在数学上是个NP-hard的问题。

    Unfortunately , it is a NP-hard problem from mathematical viewpoint .

  6. TDD系统容量的提升和同信道干扰的避免

    System Capacity Promotion and Co-Channel Interference Avoidance in TDD Wireless Communication System

  7. 通过仿真发现,即使在有小区间同信道干扰情况下,通过简单的小区布置,多载波CDMA蜂窝系统下行信道就可以有很大的信道容量。

    The simulations show that the MC-CDMA cellular system has large capacity under co-channel interference when the frequency reuse factor is 1 / 7 .

  8. 一种抗FH-CDMA同信道干扰的盲处理方案

    A New Scheme for " Blind " Suppression of Co-Channel Interference in FH-CDMA Communication

  9. 实际无线通信场景中的信号传输通常会受到加性白高斯噪声、多径衰落和同信道干扰(CCI)的影响。

    Signal transmission in wireless communication systems are usually subject to additive white Gaussian noise , multipath fading and co-channel interference ( CCI ) .

  10. 由于TR应用于UWB无线通信时,将极大地增加信道容量、减少同信道干扰、降低码间干扰、提高信息传输速率,因此吸引了大批无线通信研究者TR在UWB通信中的应用进行了研究。

    If TR is applied to ultra-wideband ( UWB ) wireless communication , it will tremendously increase the capacity of the channel , reduce the co-channel interference , reduce inter-symbol interference , and increase the information transmission rate .

  11. 另一方面提出基于同信道干扰(CCI)准则的终端分区模型,分析隐藏终端在不同区域内对终端的影响。

    A terminal coverage partition model based on Co-Channel Interference ( CCI ) rule is also provided , which is used to analyze specifically the effect of hidden terminals in different areas .

  12. 仿真表明同信道干扰与最大多径延迟扩展对系统性能影响很大,在通常情况下采用PDMRC具有最优的综合性能。

    The simulation shows co-channel interference and maximum multi-path delay spread have significant impact on the BER performance and PDMRC gives the best performance in most common environment .

  13. 同信道干扰对载波环和遥测分系统的影响

    Effect of co-channel interference on a carrier tracking loop and telemetry subsystem

  14. 该协议具有低的控制开销和快速的同信道干扰监测能力。

    CMMA protocol has low control cost and fast co-channel interference detection characteristic .

  15. 频率复用系统同信道干扰抑制因子的研究

    Study on Co-channel Interference Suppressor in Frequency Multi-using System

  16. DS/CDMA系统中同信道干扰取消技术

    Co - Channel Interference ( CCI ) Cancellation Techniques for DS / CDMA Systems

  17. 采用智能天线技术,可以降低同信道干扰,增加系统容量。

    To use SA technology can reduce common channels interference and increase communication system capability .

  18. 该标准可以同时解决带宽资源利用率和同信道干扰问题。

    This metric incorporates the bandwidth resource utilization and channel interference at the same time .

  19. 平坦衰落信道下的同信道干扰抵消

    Cochannel Interference Cancellation in flat fading channels

  20. 该项研究在以同信道干扰为主要危害的蜂窝通信系统中有潜在的应用价值。

    This research has the potential application in cell mobile communication system in which the cochannel signal is the main interference .

  21. 基于非合作博弈理论,给出既可以保证每个用户信干比最小又考虑其他小区同信道干扰的效用函数。

    Based on the non-cooperative game , a payoff function is defined , which would provide a minimum signal interference ratio ( SIR ) for each user and consider the CCI from other cells .

  22. 无线电信号在空间进行传播,会遭遇到码间干扰和同信道干扰,严重影响信号的识别和检测。

    The radio signals transmitted in space could be disturbed by inter-symbol interference ( ISI ) and the co-channel interference ( CCI ) . The performance of signal identification and detection would be severely degraded .

  23. 对于无线移动通信系统,如何消除多址干扰、同信道干扰、多径衰落以及时延扩展造成的符号间串扰等因素的影响成为人们在提高系统性能时考虑的主要因素。

    Wireless mobile communication system , how to eliminate the multiple access interference , co-channel interference , multipath fading and delay spread caused by crosstalk between symbols factors become the major factors considered by the people to improve system performance .

  24. 本文对频率复用系统同信道干扰抑制因子提出了解析和统计两种求解方法,并利用统计求解结果,证明了解析求解法在实际情形中应用的可行性。

    In this paper , the analytic solution and statistic solution to co-channel interference suppressor in frequency multi-using system are presented . Based on the results of statistic solution , the feasibility of the analytic solution method in actual condition is proved .

  25. 我们提出一种多域协作负载平衡方案,主要目标是降低系统负载资源利用率和抑制同频信道干扰。

    In this article , an inter-domain cooperative load balancing scheme focusing on reducing the effective resource utilization and mitigating the co-channel inter-ference is proposed in multi-domain Het-Net .

  26. 该方案考虑同频信道干扰,并将负载资源利用率转化为成本资源函数的优化问题,通过遗传算法实现最小成本资源对应的最优负载资源和合理的功率资源分配。

    The co-channel interference is incorporated in this scheme . The load resource utilization is changed into the optimization issue for the cost resource function . By the genetic algorithms , the optimal solution can be obtained .