
  • 网络Public Key;PKI
  1. 创建一个根(root)级私有密钥和根级证书请求(包含公共密钥)。

    Create a root-level private key and root-level certificate request ( holding the public key ) .

  2. 服务器必须接受客户端SecureShell(SSH)的公共密钥。

    The server must accept the client 's Secure Shell ( SSH ) public key .

  3. 在中间的KeyManagement选项卡上,可以创建公共密钥和私有密钥。

    From the middle tab Key Management you can create both your public and private keys .

  4. 公共密钥密码体制RSA算法分析及其INTERNET的网上应用过程

    A Analysis on RSA Algorithm of Public-key Cryptosystems and Its Applied Process in Internet

  5. 接下来,用根CA的私有密钥和自签名的公共密钥对服务器密钥请求进行签名。

    Next , sign the server key request with the root CA 's private and self-signed public key .

  6. 论述了一种基于公共密钥基础设施PKI体系结构的身份认证系统。

    The article introduced a kind of authentication system based on PKI .

  7. 把公共密钥复制到服务器上的~/.ssh/authorizedkeys文件中。

    Copy the public keys on to the server in the file ~ / . ssh / authorized_keys .

  8. PKI是一种公共密钥证书标准,它提供了一种安全的网上支付方式。

    PKI is a proposed standard for public-key certificates , which can provide the safe payment way .

  9. 经过算法筛选确定了采用RSA作为公共密钥管理和采用AES承载业务加密的技术路线。

    The algorithm selection shows RSA suits public key encryption and AES is good for voice encryption .

  10. 在服务器端,需要创建公共密钥cookie并把它插入密钥存储库中。

    Public key cookie needs to be created and inserted into the keystore on server side .

  11. 本文介绍了目前信息安全理论和技术发展状况,对CA认证理论、信息加密以及公共密钥管理等方面的技术进行了分析和论述。

    This article describes the situation of information security theory and technology , and discusses the theories of CA , Information Encryption , and Public Key System .

  12. SSL协议在一个公共密钥基础设施中提供认证、数据加密和数据完整性。

    The SSL protocol provides authentication , data encryption , and data integrity , in a public-key infrastructure ( PKI ) .

  13. 下面的步骤说明如何为一个用户创建密钥存储库并插入公共密钥cookie。

    The following steps show how to create a keystore for a user and insert the public key cookies .

  14. 基于公钥体制的PKI(PublicKeyInfrastructure即公共密钥基础)技术可以为网络上的各种应用提供身份认证、数字签名认证、数字加密传输等的安全保障。

    Technology can provide an authentication , numeral signature authentication , information to encrypt and so on for various application of the network according to the PKI ( Public Key Infrastructure ) technique .

  15. 除加密功能外,rsa系统还可以利用公共密钥和专用密钥两对密钥,提供指纹式数字签名。

    Besides the encryption , RSA system also may use the public key and the special key to provide the fingerprint digital signature .

  16. 可以以相似方式把任意数量的客户机用户的公共密钥复制到服务器用户账户的~/.ssh/authorizedkeys文件中。

    Similarly , any number of a Client user 's public key can be copied in the file ~ / . ssh / authorized_keys file on server user account .

  17. PGP签名的工件,带有公共密钥。

    PGP-signed artifacts with public keys .

  18. 基于公共密钥机制的GSS-API的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the Public-Key GSS-API Mechanism

  19. 在开发机器和tablet之间建立SSH链接需要公共密钥和私有密钥,这样就不需要在连接时提供密码。

    Establishing the SSH link between your development machine and the tablet requires public and private keys to eliminate the need for a password when connecting .

  20. 把OpenSSH服务器和客户机配置为使用EFS登录和公共密钥身份验证。

    Configure OpenSSH server and client to use EFS logon while Public Key Authentication .

  21. 完成上述所有配置设置之后,运行ssh使用公共密钥身份验证登录远程机器。

    When all the previous configuration setting are complete , run the ssh to log onto the remote machine using the public key authentication .

  22. 如何在OpenSSH中设置公共密钥身份验证

    How to setup Public Key Authentication in OpenSSH

  23. 如果一个SSH公钥改变或重新生成密钥对,所有远程主机将在其authorizedkeys文件中需要新的公共密钥。

    If an SSH public key changes or the pair is regenerated , all of the remote hosts will need the new public key in their authorized_keys file .

  24. ssl使用一个公共密钥基础设施来协商出一个双方都能接受的对称密钥加密,并在通信两端之间交换双方同意的加密密钥。

    SSL uses a public key infrastructure to negotiate a mutually acceptable symmetric key cipher and to agree upon and exchange encryption keys between two communication sources .

  25. 在默认情况下,rsync使用SecureShell(SSH)作为传输机制;可以在rsync中重用机器别名和公共密钥。

    By default , rsync uses Secure Shell ( SSH ) as its transport mechanism ; you can reuse your machine aliases and public keys with rsync .

  26. 从镜像创建的实例可以挂载持久的磁盘,可以给它分配IP地址,还可以使用SSH公共密钥身份验证访问它。

    An instance that is created from an image can mount a persistent disk , have IP addresses assigned to it , and it can be accessed using SSH public key authentication .

  27. 分析了应用证书撤消列表(CRL)发布公共密钥基础设施(PKI)证书状态信息的传统模型。

    This paper analyzed the traditional model of public key infrastructure ( PKI ) certificate status information issued by certificate revocation list ( CRL ) .

  28. 这种设置可以应用于采用OpenSSH公共密钥身份验证的DB2UDBDPF。

    This setup can be used along with DB2 UDB DPF for which OpenSSH public key authentication can be used .

  29. 为了将密码学的理论投入实际应用之中并有效地解决安全问题,人们设计了一种机制来解决公钥与实体身份之间的绑定问题,这就是PKI(即公共密钥基础设施)。

    To apply theory of cryptology to solve information security effectively , a system have been designed to bind public key and entity info , that is PKI ( Public Key Infrastructure ) .

  30. 在一个Linux或UNIX系统上,这些私有和公共密钥对存储在ASCII文本系统中;在Windows系统上,一些程序将密钥对存储为文本文件,一些存储在Windows注册表中。

    On a Linux or UNIX system , these private and public key pairs are stored in ASCII text files ; on Windows systems , some programs store the key pairs as text files , some in the Windows registry .