
ɡōnɡ kāi shì chǎnɡ jià ɡé
  • open market price
  1. 据银行家们表示,大宗交易的激烈竞标已缩小了这类交易相对公开市场价格的折价幅度,对银行来说,这增加了交易出问题的风险。

    Fierce bidding for the blocks has narrowed the discount to the market price , according to bankers , increasing the danger of a deal turning sour for the bank .

  2. 当繁荣不再,私人股本公司也只得停下夺取公司所有权的行动他们通过低成本举债,开出较公开市场价格有大笔溢价的价格,收购那些规模更大的公司。

    The end of the boom brought a halt to the ownership drive by private equity that used cheap debt to acquire ever larger companies , paying a big premium over the public market .

  3. 在过往国内研究中,普遍采用净资产代替公告后公开市场价格作为共享价值,事实上背离了大宗股权交易溢价法的核心假设。

    Formerly , net asset , which is considered as substitution of public price after announcement , is widely used as shared value of all stockholders . However , it goes far away from the core assumption of block premium method .

  4. 四年前,Hellman&Friedman以24亿美元将GettyImages私有化,出价较当时Getty的公开市场交易价格溢价55%。

    The deal comes four years after Hellman & Friedman took the company private for $ 2.4 billion , a 55 % premium to where Getty was trading on the public markets .

  5. 然而,现在允许货币汇率浮动;也就是说,它的价值由它在公开市场上的价格所决定。

    Now , however , the currencies have been allowed to float ; that is , their value is determined by the price they bring on the open market .