
yuán dòng lì
  • motivity;motive power;prime mover;agent;mobile;send
原动力 [yuán dòng lì]
  • [motive power;motivity] 动力的来源或起始力

原动力[yuán dòng lì]
  1. 电子政府:企业e化管理与创新的原动力

    Electronic government : motive power of enterprise electronic management and innovation

  2. 技术创新是企业不断发展的原动力

    Technological innovation is the motive power of constant development of enterprises

  3. 雨水和阳光是促进植物生长的原动力。

    Rain and sun are the agents which help plants to grow .

  4. 如何利用计算机来处理空间相关信息是地理信息系统(GIS)产生和发展的原动力。

    How to utilize the computer to deal with space relevant information is the motivation of innovation and development of GIS .

  5. 在胚胎期DA神经元发育的后期,DA的合成与分泌是促使DA神经元进一步成熟和形成功能联系的原动力。

    During late development in embryonic period , the synthesis and secretion of DA is the prime mover to promote maturation of DA neurons .

  6. RD是企业发展的原动力,代表了企业的核心竞争力,提升企业RD能力是增强企业核心竞争力的必然选择。

    R D is the motivity for enterprise development , it also reflects core competition capacity of enterprises , in order to strengthen the core competition of enterprises , an inevitable choice is to improve R D capability of enterprises .

  7. 介绍了中国车用润滑油发展经历的3个阶段及其现状,提出了今后车用润滑油的发展趋势,即OEM用油是驱动高档油市场的原动力;

    The three phases and current situation of Chinese vehicle lube oil development are described , and the future development trend is pointed out , i. e. OEM oil will be the primary power to drive the top-end lube market ;

  8. 该部分拟通过成本效益分析和博弈分析,揭示非对称信息条件下有效期约的形成,探求OTC公司信息披露的动机。(2)从信息需求者角度,研究OTC公司信息披露的外在原动力。

    This Part will do a cost-benefit analysis and game analysis to reveal the motivation of accounting information disclosure . ( 2 ) From the perspective of information demands , studying the external driving force of the OTC companies to disclose information .

  9. 欧盟对外发展援助的原动力

    A Study of the Motivation of the EU Foreign Development Aid

  10. 现代是不可或缺的原动力。

    Electricity is an essential agent of convenience in modern times .

  11. 对精神性的追求是艺术发展的原动力和支撑点。

    Seeking after spirit is the impulsion of development of art .

  12. 核心员工是企业生产运营和发展壮大的原动力。

    Key employees are the original power for enterprise operation and development .

  13. 人口是经济发展、社会进步的原动力。

    Human beings are the original power of the social economic development .

  14. 这是社会文化发展过程中直接推动媒介传播的原动力、内动力、基本动力。编辑与出版本是传播媒体的内容和形式两个方面。

    Editing and publishing are the forms and the contents of media .

  15. 核心竞争力&出版社生存和发展的原动力

    Core Competence-the Motive Power for Survive and Development of the Publishing House

  16. 电力是现代家庭中的重要原动力。

    Electricity is an impotant agent of convenience in the modern home .

  17. 这不是智力问题而是随着原动力技巧的发展。

    The problem is not with intelligence but with motor skill development .

  18. 这也是在比赛中让你保持信心的原动力。

    That 's how you keep the momentum going in your round .

  19. 西方政府领导权力周期原动力及模式探析

    Analysis Cycle Driving Force and Model of Western Governmental Leadership

  20. 开发:创新设计开发,前进原动力。

    Development : innovative design and development is the impulsion of advancement .

  21. 爱是一种强大的原动力,促使人们朝着一切有价值的目标迈进;

    Love is the dynamic motivation behind every worthy purpose ;

  22. 您的支持与鼓励是我们努力的原动力。

    Your support and encouragement is our source of strength .

  23. 雅欣将原动力视为自己成功之道。

    Kylie cites motivation as the key to her success .

  24. 趋爱避恨是委婉语的真正的、具体的原动力。

    Pursing love and avoiding hate is the true and specific motivity .

  25. 批判精神和自由精神:创新人才产生的原动力

    The Critical Spirit and the Liberalistic Spirit Come Into Being New Talent

  26. 设计创意是企业品牌化发展的原动力

    Design Creativeness is the Motivity of Enterprise 's Brand Development

  27. 亲子教育中对孩子生命原动力的认识(英文)

    Recognition of children s life motivity in parenting education ;

  28. 创业已成为经济发展的原动力。

    Entrepreneurship has become the driving force behind economic development .

  29. 新文化运动的原动力:个性解放

    The Motive Power of the New Cultural Movement : Emancipation of Personality

  30. 国际标准是企业科技进步的一种原动力

    International Standard , A Motive Power of Enterprise Science and Technology Progress