
  • 网络México;mexico;Estado de Mexico;Estado de México
  1. 美国联邦调查人员已经花了1个多月的时间检查西红柿,以确定污染的源头,特别检查产自佛罗里达州和墨西哥州的西红柿。

    For more than a month , federal investigators have been testing tomatoes , with a focus on those grown in Florida and Mexico , to find the origin of the contamination .

  2. 整个新墨西哥州(NewMexico)连同亚利桑那州(Arizona)、德克萨斯州(Texas)及墨西哥州(Mexico)部分地区都能看到亮如白昼的光芒。

    The flash was so bright that it was seen in all of New Mexico and parts of Arizona , Texas , and Mexico .

  3. 这场暴力事件发生在墨西哥科阿韦拉州的GeneralCepeda城。

    The brutal assault took place in the city of General Cepeda , in the Mexican state of Coahuila .

  4. 帕伦克是古代玛雅城市,靠近墨西哥恰帕斯州的乌苏马辛塔河(UsumacintaRiver)。

    Palenque is an ancient Maya city near the Usumacinta River in the Mexican state of Chiapas .

  5. Oaxaca,Mexico墨西哥瓦哈卡州古代的中美洲人是世界上最早的巧克力制造者,从那时起墨西哥人就一直在生产巧克力。

    The ancient Mesoamericans were the world 's first chocolatiers and Mexico has continued to produce chocolate ever since .

  6. 墨西哥塔毛利帕斯州在本月早些时候发现一座埋有145具尸体的乱葬岗,该州警察局长因此被免职。

    The Mexican state of Tamaulipas has dismissed its head of security following the discovery of145 bodies in mass graves earlier this month .

  7. 墨西哥韦拉克鲁斯州被检测出猪流感病毒呈阳性的一名4岁男童被认为是已知猪流感疫情爆发后最先染病的受害者。

    A four-year-old boy in Veracruz state who was sick and tested positive for the virus is believed to be the earliest-known victim of the outbreak .

  8. 墨西哥奇瓦瓦州州长何塞.拜亚萨表示,目前为止在这个边境州还没有证实任何猪流感病例。

    The governor of the state of Chihuahua , Jose Reyes Baeza says there are no confirmed swine flu cases anywhere in the border state , so far .

  9. 墨西哥莫雷洛斯州公共安全负责人因两周前7名年轻人被谋杀一案被撤职。

    The head of public security in the Mexican state of Morelos has been removed from his post following the murder two weeks ago of seven young people .

  10. 所有的东西包括生活方式都被破坏了。在这片灰色盐碱地上唯一留下的是一种来自墨西哥塔巴斯科州的胡椒作物。

    Everything had been destroyed , Yankee-style , and the only crops that seemed to thrive in the ashy , salty soil were some pepper plants * from the Mexican state of Tabasco .

  11. 经过了这些年父母给孩子取了不少蠢名字,墨西哥索诺拉州发布了一张取名名单,禁止取名贬义的、轻蔑的、有歧视的或贫穷的含义。

    After years of parents giving their children silly names the Mexican state of Sonora released a list of of names that were banned for being derogatory , pejorative , discriminatory or lacking in meaning .

  12. 事实上,人们相信他仍然藏身于他的出生地墨西哥锡那罗亚州的山区;或者邻州杜兰戈&据信他已经收买了那里的地方警察、市长和甚至该州州长。

    In fact , he is still believed to be hiding in the mountains of his native state , Sinaloa , or neighboring Durango , where he is reported to have local police officers , mayors and even the state governor on his payroll .

  13. 如今在墨西哥瓦哈卡州,居民们将巧克力视作他们文化的一部分,而在游客看来,在该城要想穿过一条街而不被提供任何形式的巧克力简直是不可能的。

    Today in Oaxaca , residents have embraced chocolate as a part of their culture and it seems visitors to the city can 't walk down the street without being offered chocolate in some form , whether it is hot chocolate , chocolate pastry or chocolate candy .

  14. 而在墨西哥,尤卡塔州州长YvonneOrtega则为奇琴伊查金字塔的入选而庆祝。

    In Mexico Yucatan State Governor Yvonne Ortega celebrated the selection of the Chichen Itza Pyramid .

  15. 达德利(BobDudley)来自墨西哥湾密西西比州。BP石油公司仍在继续防止石油泄漏,应对这次漏油造成的经济损失,达德利(BobDudley)目前已经成为这项工作的核心人物。

    Dudley , an American from the Gulf state of Mississippi , is now the high-profile point man for the embattled company as it continues to stop the gusher and deal with the economic damage it is causing .

  16. 山地公园在墨西哥的Coahuila州国加入大弯国家公园在美方侧的格兰德河。

    The mountainous park in Mexico 's Coahuila State joins with Big Bend National Park on the U.

  17. 震波冲击了墨西哥的恰帕斯州(Chiapas)及危地马拉沿海地区,远在600多英里以外的墨西哥城也有震感。

    The quake sent shockwaves through the Mexican state of Chiapas and along the Guatemalan coast , and was felt as far as Mexico City more than 600 miles away .

  18. 热带风暴内特在墨西哥的韦拉克鲁斯州登陆。

    Tropical Storm Nate makes landfall in Mexico 's Veracruz state .

  19. 接着它们会飞往墨西哥进入德克萨斯州。

    Then they fly across to go for Mexico into Texas .

  20. 克莱斯勒将会把一家主要工厂从墨西哥迁至密歇根州。

    Chrysler is moving a major plant from Mexico to Michigan .

  21. 美国国务院指出墨西哥31个州的14个州发生过暴力事件。

    The U.S. State Department notes violent incidents in 14 of Mexico 's 31 states .

  22. 并且在墨西哥、加利福尼亚州和危地马拉的家庭中已经开始使用。

    Families in parts of Baja California Sur , Mexico , and in Guatemala are using it .

  23. 如果说世界上哪里有完美的气候,那么非墨西哥的哈利斯科州莫属。

    If there is such thing as a perfect climate , you 'll likely find it in Jalisco .

  24. 美国的一个地区,包括墨西哥沿岸几个州;由佛罗里达、阿拉巴马、密西西比、路易斯安那和得克萨斯组成。

    A region of the United States comprising states bordering the Gulf of mexico ; alabama and Florida and Louisiana and Mississippi and texas .

  25. 继而转为2级飓风,于8月22日再次登陆墨西哥的韦拉克鲁斯州,导致2条河流泛滥。

    Back to Category Two strength , it made landfall again on August 22nd , in the Mexican state of Veracruz , causing two rivers to overflow .

  26. 据当地日报《先驱报》报道,这起严重事故发生于墨西哥的奇瓦瓦州,而事故中的死者于当天晚些时候下葬。

    The victims of the grisly accident , which took place in the Chihuahua , were to be buried later in the day , local daily said .

  27. 粮食安全战略项目在墨西哥18个州运营,超过600个高度边缘化的自治市中的大约10万户家庭受益。

    The Food Safety Strategic Project operates in 18 Mexican states , benefiting about 100 000 households with a presence in over 600 municipalities with high and very high marginalization .

  28. 该组织的下一个步骤是,将随着太阳公主酒店目的地购买在墨西哥,亚利桑那州,百慕大和巴巴多斯,坐落于1998年,在加拿大境外。

    The organization 's next step was to move outside of Canada with the purchase of the sun-destination Princess Hotels , situated in Mexico , Arizona , Bermuda and Barbados , in1998 .

  29. 星期四晚间,一队拖船把这艘运载大约4千名乘客的嘉年华游轮公司的游轮拖进美国濒临墨西哥湾阿拉巴马州的莫比尔港口。

    The Carnival cruise ship carrying some 4000 people was towed in by a flotilla of tug boats , arriving late Thursday at the port of Mobile , on the U.S. Gulf Coast .

  30. 由于建筑行业萎缩及其对其他经济领域造成的连锁反应,工作现在是越来越难找了。在德克萨斯州的休斯敦市,四处寻觅工作的来自墨西哥和中美州的移民劳工人数看上去是越来越多。

    The crowds of immigrant workers from Mexico and Central America seeking jobs has grown a little larger in Houston because of the slowdown in construction and the ripple effect in other areas of the economy .