
  • 网络The Properties of Ink
  1. 不吸墨性:纸张对吸收油墨的阻力。

    Holdout : Resistance to ink absorption of a paper .

  2. 吸收,吸取吸收的动作不吸墨性:纸张对吸收油墨的阻力。

    The act of imbibing . Holdout : Resistance to ink absorption of a paper .

  3. 印刷品的质量好坏与许多因素有关,其中纸张的吸墨性就是一个非常重要的影响因素。

    Printing quality relate to many factors , in which ink receptivity of paper is an extremely important influence factor .

  4. 本文将定性或定量分析这些因素与纸张吸墨性之间的关系,以期对纸张生产和印刷生产有所裨益。

    Thus , to give a qualitative or even quantitative analysis on their relationships will be a great support to the production of paper and printing products .

  5. 研究表明,比表面积大、粒径小的二氧化硅有高的吸墨性和图像分辨率。

    The results indicated that silica , as the coating pigment , which had larger specific surface and smaller particle size was beneficial to improve the ink absorbility and picture resolution .

  6. 分别研究了油墨的表面张力,着色剂的颗粒度,油墨的分散性,溶剂的渗透速度和印刷介质的平滑度及吸墨性等材料参数对印刷品光泽度的影响。

    A series of factors influencing the gloss of the inkjet prints were studied including surface tension of the ink , particle degree of the colorant , dispersivity of the ink , infiltrative velocity of the solvent , smoothness , and ink absorption of the medium .

  7. 硅树脂对降低胶印轮转黑墨粘着性的作用

    The Effect of Methyl Silicone Resin on Decreasing Tackiness of Black Offset Printing Ink

  8. 喷印水基墨的着色性研究

    Research of Colouring of Water based Ink for Jet Printing

  9. 本文提供了用耐光档案专用墨印制耐久性单色照片的方法,以供借鉴。

    This paper offers practical methods for making high durability monochrome inkjet prints by using light resistant archival ink ?

  10. 特别是他的拓而为大和不规则摹拟这种创作型临帖方法以及涨墨的突破性运用,更是对中国书法艺术的一种贡献。

    Especially his " extension for big " and " irregular imitate " the creative copy method and " Rose ink " breakthrough use , is more of a contribution of Chinese calligraphy art .

  11. 主要研究成分及第二相组织对球墨铸钢耐磨性的定量影响规律,从而为合理应用这一新材料和生产中的质量控制提供技术依据。

    The influence of chemical composition and second phase on wear resistance of cast steel with spheroidal graphites was studied quantitatively to provide technical basis for rational use of the new material and quality control in production .

  12. 经醋酸纤维素薄膜电泳和聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳证明乌贼墨GAG为均一性多糖;

    It was proved to be homogeneous by polyacrylamide gel and cellulose acetate membrane electrophoresis .

  13. 用耐光档案墨喷墨打印耐久性强的单色照片

    Making High Durability Monochrome Inkjet Print with Light Resistant Archival Ink

  14. 先秦墨学的区域性特色述论

    On The Regional Characteristics of Mohism in the Pre-Qin Time

  15. 4105发动机球墨铸铁曲轴安全性评估

    Safety Evaluation for Ductile Iron Cranks of 4105 Diesel Engine

  16. 慢加载时拉伸速率与球墨铸铁的塑性

    Plasticity and stretching rate loaded slowly of nodular iron

  17. 在崇尚儒学的封建社会,作者对墨学的认同性只能隐藏在作品中,《三国志通俗演义》中墨子思想的体现即是很好的例证。

    In the Confucianism-exalted feudal society , the authors'approval of Mohism could only be veiled in their works , the reflection of Mohism in the Romance of the Three kingdoms was a case in point .