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  1. 故“君子比德于玉”,乃至有“君子无故,玉不去身”之说。

    Therefore ," When a man in Peter Yu ", and even have a " gentlemen 's no reason , not body-yu " is .

  2. 孔子的美学思想强调美与善、功利的联系,提出君子比德来欣赏自然美,重视诗教和乐教等艺术美的作用,并主张文质彬彬即美的内容与形式的统一。

    Confucian 's aesthetical thought stresses connection between beauty and kindness , achievements and benefit , suggests noble men should appreciate natural beauty by comparing moral standard , pays special attention to the beauty of arts such as teaching poems and music , the unity between the content and form .

  3. 孔子对自然景物的审美往往与对君子道德人格的褒扬相结合,通过“君子比德”的方式赋予自然物以美的价值。

    Confucius always connects his aesthetical thought on nature with noble men 's moral personality , suggesting that noble men should endow nature with the value of beauty by comparing morals .