
  1. 人头马君度(RémyCointreau)对经济正在放缓的中国市场的较大敞口,以及该公司对干邑销售的持续依赖,损害了其财务表现,导致半年营业利润在可比基础上下降14.6%。

    R é my Cointreau 's heavy exposure to a slowing Chinese market and a continuing reliance on cognac sales have harmed its financial performance - resulting in a 14.6 per cent like-for-like fall in half-year operating profit .

  2. 法国利口酒和烈酒集团人头马君度(RémyCointreau)发出预警,由于欧洲经济的不确定性和中国销量的急剧减少,集团全年营业利润将至少下降20%。

    French liqueurs and spirits group R é my Cointreau has warned that full-year operating profits will fall at least 20 per cent from the twin effects of economic uncertainty in Europe and a sharp slowdown in sales in China .

  3. 在人头马君度发布业绩之前一个月,法国烈酒生产商保乐力加(PernodRicard)曾指出,中国需求下降对今年的利润增长会产生负面影响。

    The company reported results a month after French spirits producer Pernod Ricard said that reduced demand in China would have a negative impact on profit growth this year .

  4. 法国利口酒和烈酒集团人头马君度(RémyCointreau)发出预警,由于欧洲经济的不确定性和中国销量的“急剧”减少,集团全年营业利润将至少下降20%。

    French liqueurs and spirits group R é my Cointreau has warned that full-year operating profits will fall at least 20 per cent from the twin effects of economic uncertainty in Europe and a " sharp " slowdown in sales in China .

  5. 中国已经是法国人头马-君度集团(RemyCointreauSA)人头马干邑的最大市场,但该公司曾反复表示打算投入最高10亿欧元用于收购新的优质品牌,比如一款在中国很受欢迎的高档威士忌。

    China is already the top market for France 's Remy Cointreau SA 's Remy Martin cognac , but the company has repeatedly said that it has plans to spend up to 1 billion euros to acquire new premium brands , such as an upmarket whisky that is popular in China .

  6. 朗姆酒伏特加和君度先生

    Rum , vodka and Cointreau , sir .

  7. 在集团层面,人头马君度的营业利润率为21.6%,低于去年同期的23.8%。

    At a group level , Remy 's operating margin was 21.6 per cent compared with 23.8 per cent a year earlier .

  8. 在向中国市场供应奢侈品和高端产品的欧洲企业中,人头马君度迄今是受到最沉重打击的公司之一。

    R é my has been one of the hardest hit European companies supplying the Chinese market with luxury and high-end products .

  9. 君度香橙是由法国的阿道来在18世纪初创造的,君度家族已成为当今世界最大的酒商之一。

    Cointreau Orange by France 's A Road to the early18th century created by the Cointreau family has become one of the world 's largest wine merchants .

  10. 弗朗茨表示,人头马君度预期中国的状况不会构成长期的问题,并补充说公司将维持其产品价格。

    Mr Pflanz said that R é my Cointreau did not expect the situation in China to be a long-term concern adding that it would maintain its prices .

  11. 人头马君度周四表示,全球宏观经济环境继续有好有坏,但它仍坚持全年展望&确认其目标是实现销售和营业利润的有机增长。

    On Thursday , R é my said the global macroeconomic environment continued to be mixed , but it stood by its outlook for the full year – confirming its target of achieving organic growth in both sales and operating profit .

  12. 自中国最高层在大约18个月前开始遏制官员消费以来,销售已大幅下滑,而人头马君度受到的打击比多数企业更加沉重,因为此前其上乘干邑被视为送礼佳品。

    Sales have plummeted since the Chinese government clamped down on consumption by officials about 18 months ago , and R é my has suffered more than most because of its strength in producing the sort of premium cognac associated with gift-giving .

  13. 人头马君度周四表示,全球宏观经济环境继续“有好有坏”,但它仍坚持全年展望——确认其目标是实现销售和营业利润的有机增长。

    On Thursday , R é my said the global macroeconomic environment continued to be " mixed , " but it stood by its outlook for the full year - confirming its target of achieving organic growth in both sales and operating profit .

  14. 人头马君度称,在截至今年9月底的6个月中,营业利润为1.327亿欧元,与去年同期相比,有机增长率为负7.3%,但高于分析师预计的约1.24亿欧元。

    The warning came as R é my Cointreau said that operating profit for the six months to the end of September was 132.7m , a decline of 7.3 per cent in organic terms compared with the same period last year , but ahead of analysts " forecasts of about 124m .