
wēi shì jì sū dá
  • Whisky soda;Scotch and soda
  1. 能给我来杯威士忌苏打吗

    Can I have a Scotch and soda , please ?

  2. 威士忌苏打加上一份麻醉药

    scotch and soda and a paralytic agent .

  3. 请来两杯威士忌苏打

    Two whisky and sodas , please .

  4. 她听见丈夫在楼下调制威士忌苏打。

    She heard her husband downstairs , mixing a whisky-and-soda .

  5. 请给我们一杯威士忌苏打和一杯金酒汤力。

    Please bring us a whisky soda and a gin with tonic water .

  6. 我要一杯威士忌苏打

    I want a whisky soda , please

  7. “洞窟酒吧”就是这样一个地方,布里森登和他此刻就躺在“洞窟”的大皮椅上喝着威士忌苏打。

    Such a place was the Grotto , where Brissenden and he lounged in capacious leather chairs and drank Scotch and soda .

  8. 晚饭已经迟了一个钟头,然而他还是不肯坐下吃饭,却拿着已被冰块威士忌苏打,兀自绕长长的餐桌打转,大声谩骂他的下属人员。

    An hour late for dinner , he could not sit down but circled the long dining-room table with a drink in his hand , calling down terrible oaths on his employees .

  9. 那里面的威士忌比苏打水多。

    There was more whisky in it than soda .

  10. 酒保,再来一杯威士忌加苏打,谢谢。

    Bartender , one more whisky and soda , please .

  11. 吧台一杯威士忌加苏打,不加冰快。祝您晚上愉快。

    One whisky soda , no ice . Have a pleasant evening .

  12. 给我一杯威士忌加苏打。

    Give me a shot of whisky and soda .

  13. 是的,威士忌加苏打。

    Yes , scotch and soda , please .

  14. 由苏格兰麦芽威士忌和苏打水制成的酒。

    Scotch malt whiskey and club soda .

  15. 请给我来一杯威士忌加苏打水。

    Whisky and soda water , please .

  16. 这名“镇静”的男子在等待飞机起飞的时候,点了一份波本威士忌加苏打水。

    A " quiet " man , he ordered a bourbon and soda while waiting for takeoff .

  17. 请在威士忌中加点苏打水。

    Add some soda to the whisky , please .

  18. 在杯子中把糖浆和薄荷叶捣在一起,加入冰块和威士忌,加满苏打水,用柠檬角装饰。

    Muddle mint and sugar in glass . Add ice and whiskey . Stir and top with soda . Garnish with lemon wedge .