
  • 网络Visa;VISY
  1. 他是亚洲商务委员会委员、威士国际组织高级客户委员会委员、澳大利亚商业委员会成员及澳大利亚银行家协会成员。

    He is a Member of the Asia Business Council , the Visa International Senior Client Council , the Business Council of Australia and the Australian Bankers'Association Council .

  2. 吉百利史威士公司(CadburySchweppes)昨日简略公布了一些计划,包括将史威士从其名称中去除,在全球裁减约7000个工作岗位并关闭大约10家工厂,以提高盈利能力。

    Cadbury Schweppes yesterday outlined plans to drop Schweppes from its name , cut about 7,000 jobs and close about 10 factories globally to improve profitability .

  3. 一年以后,吉百利史威士公司(cadburyschweppes)更胜一筹,拿出一本黄皮书,包括至少144条供经理人“生存和呼吸”的规则。

    A year later , Cadbury Schweppes trumped that with a yellow book with more than 144 rules for managers to " live and breathe " .

  4. 这是优达因公司发行的威士白金卡。

    It 's a Visa platinum card issued by Yoyodyne Bank .

  5. 高档酒吧会用水晶制成的威士忌酒杯盛威士忌。

    Posh bars will serve whiskey in a crystal whiskey glass .

  6. 银行在拿骚和威士敦的拐角处。

    The bank is on the corner of Nassau and witherspoon .

  7. 所陈列的威士忌酒都是假的。

    The bottles of whisky on display are all dummies .

  8. 这部电影的每个镜头上都有威士康蒂的特徵。

    Visconti 's signature is on every shoot of the motion picture .

  9. 威士忌酒喝得我晕头转向。

    The whisky went straight to my head .

  10. 他从口袋里拿出一只威士忌酒瓶递给他的朋友。

    He drew a whiskey-flask from his pocket and passed it to his friends .

  11. 知识服务型高校门户网站信息组织模式研究美国威士国际服务组织

    Study of the Information Organization Model of the Knowledge-intensive Servicing College and Universities ′ Websites

  12. 重庆威士化工有限公司成立于1997年,是一家专门从事饲料添加剂研究、生产的专业公司。

    Established in1997 , is a company specializing in feed additive research , production of professional firms .

  13. 美国威士国际服务组织在美国许多商业组织提供目录卡片及其他服务。

    A number of commercial organizations in the United States have provided catalogue cards and other services .

  14. 爸,还有最后一件事,拜托别忘了喂威士,就算你不喜欢蛇。

    Dad , one last thing , please don 't forget to feed wheeze , even if you don 't like snakes .

  15. 据非洲小国斯威士的王宫透露,该国国王穆斯瓦蒂三世选了一个18岁的女学生做他的第10位妻子。

    Swaziland ' 's King Mswati III , the last absolute monarch in sub-Saharan Africa , has chosen an18-year-old student for his tenth wife , according to a palace source .

  16. 威士国际信用卡公司的最新统计数据显示,遭受海啸袭击的东南亚地区的经济仍然十分脆弱,可能需要更长时间才能恢复正常。

    The economies of the areas that were hit still remain fragile and are likely to take a lot longer to recover , according to fresh data from credit card firm Visa International .

  17. 茅国权具有中国背景,曾就读于香港新亚书院,美国耶鲁大学,威士康辛大学,是宾州希彭兹堡州立学院教授,知名汉学家。

    Nathan K. Mao , who has a Chinese background himself , once studied in new Asia College in Hong Kong , Yale University in America and the University of Wisconsin in Madison . He is the professor of English in Shippensburg State University , Pennsylvania and a well-known sinologist .