
shào zhuànɡ pài
  • the up-and-coming
少壮派 [shào zhuàng pài]
  • [the younger group] 年轻力壮、精力充沛的一群人。也指思想邀进,敢做敢想的年轻人

  1. 它告诉了我们有关硅谷少壮派(YoungTurksofSiliconValley)、男人和女人的差异、工作效率高低之别等方面。

    It tells us about the Young Turks of Silicon Valley . It tells us about men and women . It tells us about productivity and the lack of it .

  2. 这标志着日本政治已经完成了世代交替的任务,开始由少壮派政治家掌握国家权力,日本进入了一个新的历史时期。

    This indicates that the task of alteration of generation in the Japanese politics has been fulfilled , and statesmen of the younger generation begin to come into power . Hence , Japan enters a new historical period .