
  • 网络Kutuzov;Vitali Kutuzov;Vitaly Kutuzov;Mikhail Kutuzov
  1. 库图佐夫像所有的老年人一样,夜间睡得很少。

    LIKE ALL OLD PEOPLE , Kutuzov slept little at night .

  2. 库图佐夫在奥斯特利茨附近占用一座不大的贵族城堡。

    Kutuzov was staying in a small nobleman 's castle near Austerlitz .

  3. 库图佐夫用望远镜了望着前面的大路。

    Kutuzov was looking through a field-glass along the high-road before him .

  4. 十月四日早晨,库图佐夫在作战命令上签了字。

    On the morning of the4th , Kutuzov signed the disposition of the forces .

  5. 库图佐夫只写下了,远方的作战指令总是难以执行的。

    Kutuzov simply wrote that directions from a distance were always difficult to carry out .

  6. 罗斯托夫奉命在普拉茨村附近寻找库图佐夫和国王。

    NEAR THE VILLAGE of Pratzen Rostov had been told to look for Kutuzov and the Emperor .

  7. 俄国军队受库图佐夫及其参谋部和彼得堡的皇帝指挥。

    THE RUSSIAN ARMY was commanded by Kutuzov and his staff and by the Tsar from Petersburg .

  8. 库图佐夫想在次日发起攻击,全军将士也都这样想。

    Kutuzov 's wish was to attack next day , and all the army shared this desire .

  9. 库图佐夫越是希望那样,他就越不让自己相信那是真的。

    And the more Kutuzov desired this supposition to be correct , the less he permitted himself to believe it .

  10. 库图佐夫还站在原来的地方,他取出一条手帕,没有回答。

    Kutuzov was standing in the same place : he was taking out his handkerchief , and did not answer .

  11. 这个结果甚至在当时也是非常明显的,然而拿破仑还是发动了这次战役,库图佐夫也奋起应了战。

    That result was at the time perfectly obvious , and yet Napoleon offered battle , and Kutuzov accepted it .

  12. 库图佐夫到处都在退却,但是敌人不等他退却,就向相反的方向逃跑。

    Everywhere Kutuzov retreated , but the enemy , without waiting for him to retire , fled back in the opposite direction .

  13. 库图佐夫坐了起来,他的一条腿从床上搭拉下来,他那肥大的肚皮歪着放在另一条蜷缩起来的大腿上。

    Kutuzov sat with one leg out of bed and his unwieldy , corpulent body propped on the other leg bent under him .

  14. 当传来缪拉被俘③的消息时,参谋人员都向他祝贺,库图佐夫微笑了。

    When news was brought that Murat had been taken prisoner , and the members of the staff congratulated Kutuzov , he smiled .

  15. 皇帝在维尔纳期间对库图佐夫更加不满,这特别因为库图佐夫明显地不愿意或者是不能够理解未来战役的意义。

    The Tsar 's displeasure was increased at Vilna by Kutuzov 's obvious unwillingness or incapacity to see the importance of the approaching campaign .

  16. 仆人正在把那库图佐夫的大合唱曲分发给客人,把一张搁在更受人尊重的贵宾皮埃尔面前。

    The footman , distributing copies of Kutuzov 's cantata , laid a copy by Pierre , as one of the more honoured guests .

  17. 库图佐夫整个面部的表情显得镇静、紧张、注意力集中(勉强克制住他那衰老身体的疲倦)。

    The general expression of Kutuzov 's face was concentrated , quiet attention and intensity , with difficulty overcoming his weak and aged body .

  18. 九月一日晚,库图佐夫发布了俄军经莫斯科撤退至梁赞公路的命令。

    ON THE NIGHT of the1st of September Kutuzov gave the Russian troops the command to fall back across Moscow to the Ryazan road .

  19. 打仗时他总是冒着炮火在最前沿,库图佐夫曾为此而责备过他,简直不敢派他去。

    In battle he was always under fire , so that Kutuzov even reproached him for it , and was afraid to send him to the front .

  20. 在波罗底诺受的伤是否致命?这个问题在库图佐夫脑子里已悬挂了整整一个月了,尚未解决。

    The unanswered question , whether the wound dealt at Borodino were mortal or not , had been for a whole month hanging over Kutuzov 's head .

  21. 在彼得堡尚未获悉莫斯科已失守的消息之前,就拟定好一个详细的全面作战计划并送交库图佐夫作为作战方针。

    Before the news of the abandonment of Moscow had reached Petersburg a detailed plan of the whole campaign had been drawn up and sent to Kutuzov for his guidance .

  22. 库图佐夫骑着自己的膘肥体壮的小白马,带领一大群对他不满意,一路上窃窃私语的随从人员前往多布罗耶。

    Kutuzov , mounted on his fat , white little horse , was riding towards Dobroe , followed by an immense suite of generals , whispering their dissatisfaction behind his back .

  23. 左翼是由资历深的在布劳瑙城下晋谒库图佐夫的即是多洛霍夫在其手下当兵的那个兵团的团长指挥。

    The command of the left flank belonged by right of seniority to the general of the regiment in which Dolohov was serving & the regiment which Kutuzov had inspected before Braunau .

  24. 侍从的人数少了一半以上,库图佐夫和他们很费劲地才从左面的人流中钻出来,朝着近处隐约可闻的炮声隆隆的地方驰去。

    Getting out with an immense effort from the stream on the left , Kutuzov , with his suite diminished to a half , rode towards the sounds of cannon close by .

  25. 在士兵们正在欢呼雀跃的时候,库图佐夫在坐骑上俯下身子,低下了头,他的眼睛里闪烁出一种温情的、又仿佛是一种讥讽的亮光来。

    While the soldiers were shouting , Kutuzov , bending forward in his saddle , bowed his head , and his eyes gleamed with a mild and , as it were , ironical light .

  26. 为了由东而西的民族大迁移和为了恢复各国的边界,亚历山大一世是那么需要他,正如为了拯救俄国的光荣而需要库图佐夫一样。

    For the movement from east to west , and the establishment of the position of peoples , Alexander was needed just as Kutuzov was needed for the deliverance and the glory of Russia .

  27. 军事会议反对库图佐夫和施瓦岑贝格公爵两位老人的意见,决定立刻发动进攻,和波拿巴大战一场。

    At the council it had been decided , contrary to the advice of the elder generals , Kutuzov and Prince Schwarzenberg , to advance at once and to fight a general engagement with Bonaparte .

  28. 安德烈公爵在右下方,离库图佐夫至多五百步远的地方,用肉眼望见冲上山来迎击阿普舍龙兵团官兵的密密麻麻的法国纵队。

    With the naked eye Prince Andrey saw to the right , below them , a dense column of French soldiers coming up towards the Apsheron regiment , not over five hundred paces from where Kutuzov was standing .

  29. 另一方面库图佐夫觉得毫无疑问的是,他和全体俄国人民竭尽全力的那可怕的一击,足以致敌于死命。

    On the other side , in all his being , Kutuzov felt beyond all doubt that the terrible blow for which , together with all the Russians , he had strained all his strength must have been mortal .

  30. 土岗上有一群军人,可以听见参谋人员用法语谈话,看见库图佐夫戴着红箍白帽的、白发苍苍的脑袋和他那缩进两肩之间的满是白发的后脑勺。

    On this knoll was a crowd of officers , and Pierre heard the French chatter of the staff , and saw Kutuzov 's grey head sunk in his shoulders , and his white cap , with red braiding on it .