
xīnɡ fèn jì jiǎn chá
  • doping control
  1. 请给我一份兴奋剂检查报告的副本。

    Please give me a copy of the doping control official report .

  2. 祝贺您获得金牌。我是运动会兴奋剂检查站工作人员。您被选定接受兴奋剂检查。

    Hi , congratulations . gold medallist ! I am the Doping Control Station officer of the Games . You are selected for doping control .

  3. 马拉多纳在兴奋剂检查呈阳性反应后,面临世界杯禁赛的处罚。

    Maradona faces World Cup Ban after positive dope test .

  4. 我什么时候能够看兴奋剂检查报告?

    When shall I see the doping test report ?

  5. 这名游泳选手的兴奋剂检查结果呈阳性。

    The swimmer has tested positive for steroids .

  6. 决赛后,要对所有奖牌获得者作兴奋剂检查。

    All medallists are requested to undergo a " dope " test after the final .

  7. 谢谢。哪些人要接受兴奋剂检查?

    B : Thank you for your congratulations . Who will take the doping test ?

  8. 你在兴奋剂检查期间不准许离开兴奋剂检查站。

    You are not allowed to leave the doping control station once you checked in .

  9. 兴奋剂检查是必须的。

    Dope test is compulsory .

  10. 中国兴奋剂检查工作现状、问题及其对策

    Research on the Present Situation of the Inspection Work of the Doping in China and Its Countermeasure

  11. 国际奥委会最近对来自北京2008年奥运会的454份兴奋剂检查采样进行重新测试。

    The positive tests came amid a recent re-testing of 454 doping samples from the 2008 Beijing Olympics .

  12. 各项目的第一名必须接受兴奋剂检查,二至八名抽查。

    The winners of all events must take the doping test and those from the second to eighth places shall do so subject to selection .