
  1. 为LC在未来的市场竞争重新获得竞争优势,实现抚顺兴达公司的可持续发展,提供了科学的方法和新的思路。

    This article provides LC with scientific methods and new ideas to regain advantages of competition in the future market and make Fushun Xingda Company realize sustainable development .

  2. 兴达生物制药公司业务流程重组的实例研究

    Case Study on Business Process Reengineering of Xingda Biology Pharmacy Company

  3. 深圳市兴达润滑油公司以满足市场的需要。

    Shenzhen Tatsu Lubricating Oil Company to meet the needs of the market .

  4. 兴达翻译是华中地区少数具备同传翻译能力的翻译公司之一。

    Xingda Translation Service is one of the seldom translation companies who have the ability to provide simultaneous interpretation service in Central China region .

  5. 本文通过案例的形式,以抚顺兴达酒业公司作为研究对象,对该公司的基本情况、主要业务、经营情况、所处的内外环境以及公司的经营状况进行了全面地介绍。

    This article employs the Fushun Xingda wine industry as the research object and makes an overall introduction about the basic information of the company , the major business , business conditions and environment .

  6. 在新商务模式的实施中,宜采用以点带面的方法,通过前期局部实施的成功,最终带动整个兴达集团建立新型的商务模式,逐步培养企业的核心竞争力,使企业走上信息化发展的道路。

    The success achieved by the partial application of the new commercial model in the early stage will finally drive the whole Group to establish a new commercial model and cultivate the core competitive force of the enterprise .

  7. 通过对兴达生物制药公司现有的流程进行分析,按照业务流程重组的七项原则对其现有的业务流程进行重新设计,并指出新业务流程给该企业带来的变化。

    Through the analysis of the existing Business Process of Xingda Biology Pharmacy Company , the author redesigns the existing Business Process according to seven principles of BPR , and points out the change that the new business process has brought to the company .