
quán shèng
  • flourishing;in full bloom
全盛 [quán shèng]
  • [flourishing;in full bloom]非常兴盛;十分强盛

  • 鲁迅创作的全盛时期

全盛[quán shèng]
  1. 2003年对电影业来说不是全盛之年。

    2003 was not a vintage year for the movies .

  2. 这一时期代表了自由主义教派的全盛时期。

    This period represented a high water mark for liberal denominations .

  3. 房间都进行了布置,重新营造出该城堡中世纪全盛时期的氛围。

    The rooms are furnished and recreate the atmosphere of the castle 's medieval heyday

  4. 在其全盛时期,该制片公司夸口说,他们旗下的明星比天上的星星还要多。

    In its heyday , the studio 's boast was that it had more stars than there are in heaven .

  5. 19世纪是蒸汽火车的全盛时期。

    The 19th century was the heyday of steam railways .

  6. 英国在都铎王朝时代处于全盛期。

    England flourished under the Tudors .

  7. 在日本首都东京,樱花在3月22日达到了全盛,这是有记录以来第二早的盛花期。

    And in the capital Tokyo , cherry blossoms reached full bloom on March 22 , the second-earliest date on record .

  8. 青野指出,京都市中心的樱花在3月26日达到全盛,这是1200多年来最早的一次。

    In the central city of Kyoto , cherry blossoms peaked on March 26 , the earliest in more than 1200 years , Aono said .

  9. 但问题是,HD电视的全盛期是不是已经来临?

    The question is , is HD TV ready for primetime4 ?

  10. 据《金融时报》报道,今年一月份,也就是第一季度初,王者荣耀的日活跃用户数达5000万人,比精灵宝可梦GO全盛时期的日活跃用户数还要多。

    In January this year , at the very start of Q1 , the Financial Times reported that Honor of Kings had 50 million DAUs - more than Pokemon Go at its peak .

  11. 麦当娜(Madonna)、莎朗·斯通(SharonStone)与娜奥米·坎贝尔(NaomiCampbell)都曾在自己的全盛时期为它拍照。

    Madonna , Sharon Stone and Naomi Campbell posed for the magazine at the peak of their fame .

  12. 堪萨斯州米逊市(Mission)的“伊夫琳·伍德阅读动态公司”(EvelynWoodReadingDynamics)仍然在提供速读培训班、DVD和其他资源,不过赶不上它全盛时期的规模了。

    Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics , based in Mission , Kan . , still offers workshops , DVDs and other resources , though it is smaller than its heyday .

  13. 他向BBC表示:“人工智能的全盛时代可能导致人类灭亡。”

    He told the BBC : " The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race . "

  14. 操作码缓存对于PHP流行已久,其中早期的一些要追溯到PHPV4的全盛期。

    Opcode caches have long been popular for PHP , with some of the first ones coming about back in the heyday of PHP V4 .

  15. 乔丹被认为是全世界最伟大的篮球运动员之一,在他全盛时期,他曾带领公牛队6次夺得NBA总冠军。

    Jordan was considered one of , if not the best , basketball players on the planet during his heyday when he led the Bulls to six NBA championships .

  16. 斯堪的纳维亚半岛上的帅男进入我们的视野,还要追溯到之前著名网球明星BjornBorg的全盛时期,现在看起来这里的男人依然高踞性感帅哥榜。

    Scandinavian men hit our radars back in tennis player Bjorn Borg 's heyday , and it seems they still rule the roost .

  17. 情调特意参考20世纪80年代冷冻酸奶全盛时期,以SpandauBallet等当代乐队重新混音的音乐为背景,强化了这种情调。

    The mood , which deliberately refers back to the frozen yoghurt heyday of the 1980s , is reinforced by the use as background music of remixed hits by bands of the period such as Spandau Ballet .

  18. 罗马帝国的全盛期是在奥古斯都时代。

    Rome was in its prime in the age of Augustus .

  19. 上世纪50年代是美国经济的全盛时期。

    The 1950s were a heady time for the American economy .

  20. 青春,全盛期,青壮年时期。

    In one 's prime , one should seize the time .

  21. 到20世纪80年代,计算机革命已进入全盛时期。

    By the1980 's the computer revolution was in full swing .

  22. 我卸任州长时正值全盛时期

    I left the Governor 's mansion right in my prime .

  23. 到了20世纪80年代,朋克摇滚乐已经到了全盛时期。

    By the 80s , punk rock had really had its heyday .

  24. 19世纪是蒸汽机车的全盛时期。

    Steam railways had their heyday in the 19th century .

  25. 全盛机械也将是各大厂家长期合作的最佳伙伴。

    Quansheng Machinery will also become the best partner of the manufacturers .

  26. 她仍然很漂亮,但是全盛时期已经过去。

    She is still good-looking , but she 's past her prime .

  27. 孟狄斯在古希腊时代达到全盛期。

    Mendes reached its heyday during the ancient Greek era .

  28. 帝国经过全盛以后逐渐衰落。

    The empire was on the wane after its period of prosperity .

  29. 希腊文明光辉灿烂的全盛时期(伊迪丝汉密尔顿)

    The radiant bloom of Greek genius ( Edith Hamilton )

  30. 全盛期由19世纪后期延续到20世纪中期。

    Their heyday lasted from the late 19th to the mid-20th century .