
  1. 其DSA影像学主要表现为:全脑小静脉扩张、迂曲、数目明显增多;

    DSA features included : dilatations of brain venule could be seen and the number of brain veins increased ;

  2. 至此,您已经创建了一个配置好的模型,并且可以使用它为显示developerWorkspodcast列表的全功能小部件生成代码了。

    At this point , you have created a model that is already configured and ready to generate the code of a fully functional widget displaying the list of podcasts from developerWorks .

  3. 通用还在为公司史上最大的新产品之一进行运作,先是替换了公司的全尺寸小货车Silverado和Sierra,之后是公司的大型运动汽车。

    GM is also mobilizing for one of the biggest new product introductions in its history , replacing first its full-size pickup trucks Silverado and Sierra , and then its big sport utilities .

  4. 他全在小条纸上用手写。

    It 's all handwritten on little bits of paper .

  5. 广场在晚间被泛光灯照得通明,四周全是小旅馆。

    The square was floodlit at night and fringed by guest houses .

  6. 每个家庭都有一棵圣诞树,树上全是小的装饰品和亮亮的灯。

    Most families buy a Christina stree and decorate it with small things .

  7. 圣诞老人的雪橇有很多带给全世界小朋友的礼物。

    There are lots of presents in Santas sleigh for children around the world .

  8. 全数字化小尺度封闭空间音质评价研究(二)客观评价方法

    Research of Full Digital Sound Quality Evaluation in Small Enclosures Part ⅱ: Objective Evaluation

  9. 全自动小料配料称量系统智能控制和控制方法的研究

    Study and Improvement of Automatic Batching Control System

  10. 交流分相起动全封闭小马力电动机

    AC split-phase start totally enclosed frictional horsepower motor

  11. 低水平重复投资建设,大而全、小而全已经成为我国经济发展中的一个顽症。

    Low-level repeated construction has become a incorrigible illness for our country 's economic development .

  12. 屋子全是小朋友。

    House was filled with children .

  13. 抛弃传统企业大而全、小而全的组织结构特点,通过模块化和外包模式提高企业的专业化程度,降低企业组织结构的一体化程度;

    Abandon traditional enterprise organization characteristic , and reduce the integrated degree of enterprise 's organization by modularization and outsourcing ;

  14. 与国外汽车产业相比,中国的汽车产业表现出纵向一体化程度高,大而全、小而全现象突出的特征。

    The writer observes that the automobile industry of China have much higher vertical integration degree than that of foreign countries .

  15. 性对于年轻人来说是充满迷惑的,她不需要从两个胡子都没长全的小屁孩那里知道这些。

    Sex is confusing for young people , and she doesn 't need to learn from two fuzz-staches who barely know anything themselves .

  16. 解决大而全、小而全和不合理的重复建设问题

    Solve such problems as forming " large and all-inclusive " or " small and all-inclusive " establishments and launching irrational and duplicated construction projects

  17. 以上说明,我国钢铁企业大而全、小而全的体系必须打破,代之以专业化、社会化分工。

    So the Chinese steel enterprises ' system - big and whole , small and comprehensive must be broken and taken place of the specialization operations .

  18. 上市公司资产重组可以在一定程度上克服传统产业组织大而全,小而全的弊端。

    The asset reconstruction of listed corporations can overcome the shortcoming of the big and self-contained and small and self-contained of industrial organization to certain extent .

  19. 地漏是室内地面排水的一个不起眼的卫生设备。由于它全积小价格低,在家庭装修中一直被人们忽视。

    The floor drain is one lf small sanitary equipment in the indoor floor draining system , Because it is of small volume and low price , it is usually ignored in the house decoration .

  20. 近些年,我国的空间技术不断向前发展,尤其是在小卫星领域的开发与应用,所以研制高性能、低成本的全物理小卫星姿态仿真系统已成为航天仿真技术的发展要求。

    Recently , with the development of space technology in our country , especially in small satellites , so technique of space vehicle simulation needs attitude simulation systems of small satellites with high performance and low cost .

  21. 她还只是一个装备不全的小骑士,正冒险出发去侦察神秘的大城市,梦想着某个遥远的将来她将征服这新世界,让那大城市俯首称臣,诚惶诚恐,跪倒在她的脚下。

    A half-equipped little Knight she was , venturing to reconnoitre the mysterious city and dreaming wild dreams of some vague , far-off supremacy , which should make it prey and subject & the proper penitent , groveling at a woman 's slipper .

  22. “我认为我们应该得到三个球员参加全明星,小莫和大Z都可以,”詹姆斯说。

    " I think we should get three guys on the team , Mo and Z deserve it ," James said .

  23. 但由于丢包容忍度为零、本身机制造成突发流量使自时钟混乱等,这些基于传统TCP的算法在全光纤、小缓存网络环境中表现了趋于零的带宽利用率。

    However , these algorithms based on the traditional TCP are zero-tolerance of packet loss and easy to enable self-clock chaos caused by Itself sudden flow mechanism . In all-fiber , small buffer network environment the performance tends to zero bandwidth utilization .

  24. ZB-50型全自动食盐小包装机介绍

    Introduction of ZB-50 Type Full-automatic Common Salt Small Packer

  25. 然而,光纤Bragg光栅(FBG)由于是全绝缘、小尺寸的光纤温度传感器,且其具有不受电磁干扰、安全可靠、结构简单、成本低、安装方便等优点,成了测温系统的最佳选择。

    However , fiber Bragg grating is an insulator and is small , and it has the advantages of low-price , simple-structure , safety , no electromagnetic interference , so are particularly suit for measuring temperature , strain and stress .

  26. 文章介绍了ZB-50型全自动食盐小包装机的设计思路,装置结构及其功能特点,该小包装机经初步试用,取得了较好的效果。

    In this paper , the design idea of ZB-50 type full-automatic common salt small packer , its equipment structure , function and characteristics were introduced . Through probation , the effect of small packer was fine .

  27. 这些抽屉全塞满了小卡片。

    Each one of these drawers is stuffed with little cards .

  28. 全世界的小朋友都喜欢听别人讲故事。

    Children throughout the world like stories read to them .

  29. 液压泵全流量超小故障的分析与改进

    The Analysis and Improvement of Full Flow Subminiature Breakdown of Hydraulic Pump

  30. 全激光加热小基座法的研究

    Study of Complete Laser Heated Pedestal Growth Method