
  • strike;All in;hit
  1. C组:切断上干及全中干。

    In group C , the upper trunk and the whole middle trunk were transected .

  2. 方法:对一组68例成骨不全中6例并有肿瘤样骨痂的临床、X线和CT表现进行回顾性分析。

    Methods : The clinical radiographic and CT features of 6 patients with tumoral callus of 68 osteogenesis imperfecta were analysed retrospectively .

  3. 提出一种由GPS独立观测边组成闭合环的各坐标分量闭合差计算GPS平面控制网全中误差的公式。

    In this paper , a formula is proposed to calculate the total mean square error of GPS horizontal network by circuit closures of coordinate components .

  4. 直接冠脉支架植入术在冠心病并左心功能不全中的应用

    Direct stenting in coronary artery disease patients with severe ventricular dysfunction

  5. 钙离子拮抗剂在老年人慢性心功能不全中的应用

    The clinical application of calcium antagonists in the aged chronic cardiac insufficiency

  6. B超在药物流产不全中的诊断价值

    The value of ultrasonography in abortive incomplete with medicine

  7. 彩超在下肢深静脉功能不全中的应用研究

    Color Doppler Flow Imaging for the Study of Deep Venous Incompetence of Lower Extremity

  8. 结果:本组成骨不全中,23例有特殊表现,包括:①正常骺板变模糊或消失,骨骺、干骺区出现爆玉米花样钙化;

    Results : The following extraordinary X ray findings were found in 23 patients : ( 1 ) blurred or vanished epiphyseal plate , popcorn calcifications in epiphyses and metaphyses ;

  9. 罗斯弥补了唐斯的不足,虽然唐斯得到30分,但在半场休息之后只有两分进账,上半场他罚球线上13投全中,但下半场面对太阳的包夹表现不佳。

    Rose picked up the slack for Towns , who had 30 points but only two after halftime . He went 13-of-13 from the free throw line in the half , but struggled against Phoenix 's double-teams in the second .

  10. 目的观察家兔声带自体脂肪注射后急、慢性期喉局部反应、声带大体形态及组织学转归,探讨这一方法在矫治声门闭合不全中的应用价值。

    Objective To investigate the laryngeal reactions and histological fate of autologous fat injected into vocal cords and evaluate the value of this technique in treating glottal insufficiency . Methods Eight rabbits were divided into four groups after a unilateral mucosal excision of the vocal cord .

  11. 在比赛的全过程中,许多优秀的网球手都败在这位年轻的新星手里。

    All through the competition , good players were falling to the new young tennis star .

  12. 专家说,这项调查表明,选择流行的低碳水化合物饮食方式的人有可能会错过全谷物中的纤维。

    Experts say the study shows people adopting popular low-carbohydrate diets risk missing out on fibre from wholegrains .

  13. 不全瘫痪中全部恢复至E级。

    The semi-paralysis patients were all recovered ti E grade .

  14. X荧光光谱法在进口铁矿全分析中的应用

    Application of X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry in Total Analysis of Imported Iron Ore

  15. 该研究评估了200个实验参与者在服用了12周的叶酸补充剂之前和之后的血液砷浓度。叶酸是一种见于绿叶蔬菜、豆类和全麦中的B族维生素。

    The study evaluated the blood arsenic levels of200 subjects before and after taking a12-week course of folic acid supplements .

  16. 结果:CT对全部6只积水型肾作出诊断,而9只发育型肾中5只作出诊断,2例发育不全型中1例作出诊断。

    Results : All of 6 hydronephrotic , 5 out of 9 developmental and 1 out of 2 hypoplastic duplication of kidney were diagnosed on CT imaging .

  17. 霉酚酸脂(MMF)在肾移植术后慢性肾功能不全患者中的应用

    Application of mycophenolate mofetil in recipients of renal transplantation with chronic renal failure

  18. 全组中151例(2323%)实施了手术治疗,22例实施了内镜下十二指肠乳头括约肌切开术(EST)治疗。

    Of all the 650 patients , 151 ( 23.3 % ) received operations and 22 were treated by endoscopic sphincterotomy .

  19. 该方法能在X和Y两个方向上同时测量材料变形量,可以获得材料在实验的全过程中两个方向的“应力-应变”关系曲线。

    The deformation quantity of a material can be simultaneously measured at both direction of X and Y and the stress-strain curves of the both direction during the whole experimental process of a material can be obtained .

  20. 然后依照分类标准,分别介绍了近年来正离子,负离子,周环,自由基,过渡金属催化,酶催化六类Domino反应在天然产物全合成中的应用。

    Then cationic , anionic , pericyclic , radical , transition metal catalyzed , enzymatic domino reactions and their applications in the total synthesis of natural products were also reviewed .

  21. 运用免疫印记法检测了兔抗牙鲆血清免疫球蛋白多克隆抗体的特异性,实验证明其能与牙鲆全血清中免疫球蛋白重链、轻链反应,而与人血清IgM无交叉反应。

    The Western-blotting illuminated the antibody had immunological activity by reaction with heavy chain and light chains of flounder serum immunoglobulin and no cross reaction with that of human .

  22. 分子内Heck反应在天然产物全合成中的应用(综述)。

    It consists of the following parts : Chapter I : Application of intramolecular Heck reaction in natural products total synthesis ( review ) .

  23. 在此基础上本文结合房地产行业的特征,阐述了CRM系统在房地产企业中的市场定位、施工建设、销售管理和物业管理等全过程中的应用。

    On the basis of characteristics of the real estate , it discusses CRM application of market position , construction , sale management , estate management in real estate and the evaluation of effect .

  24. 然后重点探讨了房地产开发经营中的客户关系管理(第3章),强调CRM在房地产开发经营中的市场定位、施工建设、销售、物业管理等全过程中的应用;

    Then , in the third chapter , it analyses the application of the market orientation , the construction , the sales and the property management in the course of the real estate development and operation .

  25. 用TBA比色法测定了不同贮藏期鸡蛋蛋清及全蛋液中脂质过氧化物的含量。

    The contents of lipid peroxide ( LPO ) in egg white and the whole egg liquid were de-termined with the method of TBA colorimetry during different periods of storage ;

  26. 酶切位点多态性研究结果表明,在pGH基因全序列中存在着丰富的酶切位点多态性。

    The results of restriction enzyme sites indicated that there were abundant sequence polymorphisms in the full sequence of pGH gene .

  27. 实验观测到了4类岩性、18块样品在单轴压力下直至破裂发生全过程中的ULF和LF电磁前兆信号。

    Precursory magnetic and electric signals at ULF and LF bands were observed in an experiment for 18 samples of 4 types of rocks during whole fracturing process under uniaxial pressure .

  28. 系统发育分析表明,广东麻鸭DHBV在分化程度上是目前储存于GenBank中的DHBV全序列中最高的。

    Phylogenetic analyze indicated that the differentiation degree of the DHBV complete sequences from Guangdong brown ducks were highest in all the DHBV complete sequences exist in the Genbank presently .

  29. 全、中厚皮片移植术后收缩率以14d至半年尤其3个月内为最高;

    The shrinkage rates after full-thickness or intermediate-thickness free skin grafting , which is done within 14 days to 6 months and especially within 3 months after injury , are the highest .

  30. 不同性别间全唾液中HRP-1、HRP-3、HRP-5及总HRPs含量之差异无统计学意义。

    No statistical difference in the concentrations of HRP-1 , HRP-3 , HRP-5 and total HRPs was found between boys and grils .