
yī wèi shù
  • Single digit;one-digit;single figures;unidigit
一位数[yī wèi shù]
  1. 通货膨胀率降到一位数了。

    Inflation is down to single figures .

  2. Sigma-Dleta调制器的结构近似于双斜率ADC,包括1个积分器和1个比较器,以及1个一位数模转换器的反馈环。

    The structure of Sigma-Delta modulator is similar to a dual-slope ADC , including an integrator and a comparator , and a feedback loop of one DAC ( Digital-Analog Converter ) .

  3. 这种安排将使得W-CDMA的加权许可费控制在一位数的水平。

    This arrangement would enable the cumulative royalty rate for W-CDMA to be set at a modest single digit level .

  4. 由于是外部循环,因此regex实质上将从右向左前进查找后接三位数和词界的一位数。

    Because of the outer loop , the regex essentially advances right to left looking for a digit followed by three digits and a word boundary .

  5. 过去几年中的一些报告(见参考资料)揭示了服务器利用率增长仅有一位数的服务器虚拟化和不断增长的ROI这样一个喜忧参半的结果。

    A couple of reports ( see Resources ) over the past few years show mixed results for server virtualization with only single digit increases in server utilization and mixed results in improving ROI .

  6. 05年第一季度,电信业出现20余年来首次一位数增长,且连续近2年业务收入增幅低于GDP增幅。

    In the first quarter of 2005 , the telecommunications industry presents 20 remaining years of life to come for the first time a figure growth , and near 2 year business income increased range is lower than GDP continuously the increased range .

  7. 我们要把通货膨胀率降低到一位数。

    We want inflation brought down to single figures .

  8. 一位数的分钟数没有前导零。

    Single-digit minutes will not have a leading zero .

  9. 同时,当地月犯罪率已经从两位数降低到一位数。

    And the local monthly murder rate has dropped from double to single digits .

  10. 英国队的得分仍停留在一位数上。

    England are still only in single figures .

  11. 销售额下降到一位数。

    Sale is down to single figures .

  12. 最后一位数也有了。

    I got the last number too .

  13. 如果相加之后还是一位数的话,就再相加,直到变成一位数。

    If after adding a digit or words , then add , until a digits .

  14. 汇编实现一位数加数,多位数加法,查找字符串,乘法。

    Achieve a compilation of several augend , multi-digit addition , search strings , multiplication .

  15. 第11-13位(头一位数)&取值范围为2到7。

    Bit 11 - 13 ( first digit ) - values range from 2 to 7 .

  16. 但与香港相比,它们一位数的增长显得相形见绌。香港提高了45分,至729分。

    But their single-digit gains were dwarfed by the 45 points added by Hong Kong to reach 729 .

  17. 不过,一位数的低市盈率并不是宣布最大规模减记的那些银行所独有的。

    But low single digit earnings multiples are not solely reserved for banks that have announced the biggest writedowns .

  18. 结果病人组一位数和二位数数字工作记忆广度、符号测试成绩无显著差异;

    Results After multivariate adjustment , NIDDM patients displayed no difference on performances of digital symbol , meaningless figures and mental arithmetic .

  19. 结果表明:(1)幼儿一位数大小比较直接受其对数的语义表征的影响;

    The results showed : 1.The comparison of numerical magnitudes made by children was influenced directly by their semantic representation of numbers .

  20. 最近的一些大规模新股发行上市首日的涨幅仅有一位数,还有一些新股从第二个交易日开始股价就出现了下跌。

    Several recent large offerings have only seen single-digit first-day percentage rises , while others have seen their stocks decline in subsequent sessions .

  21. 另外,Aduro有资格在药品成功发行和商业化或,获得全世界净销售额一位数或两位数的封层办税提成。

    In addition , Aduro is eligible to receive high single-digit to double-digit tiered royalties on worldwide net sales upon successful launch and commercialization .

  22. 2003年收益排名居前的50家制药公司中,仅有19家实现了两位数的增长,17家实现了一位数的增长,11家收益下降。

    In2003 , among the top50 pharmaceutical companies , 19 generated double-digit health-care revenue growth ; 17 generated single-digit growth ; and11 reported declined revenue .

  23. 实验采用组块设计的方法,实验任务有三项,分别是数字辨认、一位数简单加法和二位数复杂加法。

    There are three tasks in the experiment , arabic number identifying , one digit simply addition calculation and two digit complex addition calculation respectively .

  24. 法拉利在亚太地区的销售实现了创纪录的47.2%,而在美国和德国的增长却只有一位数,这两个地区曾经是其最大的市场。

    Ferrari recorded 47.2 per cent growth in sales in Asia-Pacific , compared with single-digit growth in the US and Germany , historically its largest markets .

  25. 在一位数加多位数不进位加法口算中,口算时间差异主要源于运算时间差异和整合时间差异;

    In the non-carry mental addition of 1-digit number and multi-digit number , mental arithmetic time differences lie in arithmetic time differences and integration time differences .

  26. 在多位数减一位数不借位减法口算中,运算时间年级差异不显著,而整合时间存在显著的年级差异;

    In the mental subtraction of multi-digit number subtracting 1-digit number , there are no grade differences of arithmetic time and there are significant grade differences of integration time .

  27. 民调显示印第安纳的形势非常激烈,奥巴马在北卡莱罗纳州两位数的领先优势降到了一位数。

    Polls show a very tight race in Indiana , and that Senator Obama 's comfortable two-digit lead in the polls in North Carolina has dwindled down to single digits .

  28. 如果是邻里中心和流行,如联合广场,苏活区,格林威治村等,价格调整后一位数比别人多,如市中心城区东或西。

    If the neighborhood is central and popular , such as Union Square , Soho , Greenwich village , and etc , the prices adjusted in single digit more than others such as Midtown West or Midtown East .

  29. 由前面提到的VaR的定义,可以将VaR看成是金融收益分布的某一分位数。

    By mentioned VaR definition , can will VaR as financial income distribution of a certain points of digits .

  30. 223344是一个6位数。

    223344 is a number of 6 ciphers .