
  • 网络Generally high;average height
  1. 他们俩一般高。

    The two of them are the same height .

  2. 他都赶上他妈妈一般高了。

    He is about as tall as his mother .

  3. 原油在管道中输送时,加入少量ppm的减阻剂,增输量可达到10%以上。用作减阻剂的油溶性聚合物,分子量一般高达几百万到上千万。

    Drag reducing agents are oil-soluble polymers with molecular weights ranged from several to ten million .

  4. 试验证实,一般高性能混凝土(HPC)的配合比设计方法难以适用于自密实混凝土;

    Concrete test proves that the mix proportion design method of common high-performance concrete ( HPC ) is not fit for self-compacting concrete .

  5. 这些树主干明显,树体高大,一般高20m,最高50m,最大单株冠幅占地0.13hm2;胸径1m以上的大树有70多株,2m以上的8株;

    These trees have distinct trunk , high and large crown , generally 20 m high or so , the highest 50 m , the largest crown about 0.13 hm2.There are over 70 huge trees with diameter over 1 m , 8 trees with diameter over 2 m.

  6. 黄河水少沙多,水沙不平衡,致使下游河道淤积严重,形成著名的地上悬河,现行河床一般高出背河地面4~6m。

    The serious deposition in the lower reaches is caused by a little water and amounted sediment , and non-equilibrium of water-sediment in the Yellow River , the famous Secondary Suspended River has been formed , the present river-bed is 4-6m higher than the ground behind levee .

  7. 结果表明,在总电流交替过渡波形中,高频脉冲电流和低频脉冲电流的差值不能过大,否则会出现弧长波动较大,导致焊接过程不稳定,一般高低频脉冲电流的差值不能超过10A。

    The results showed that among the total alternating transition current filtering waveforms , there would not be a huge difference between high frequency pulse currents and low frequency pulse currents . otherwise there would be fluctuations of the arc . This would lead the process to become unstable .

  8. 我们选出了一些个头一般高的男孩子。

    We have chosen some boys all of the same size .

  9. 这座山有泰山的一般高。

    This mountain is half as high as the Taishan mountain .

  10. 我女儿都快和我一般高了。

    My daughter is already about the same height as I am .

  11. 她和他差不多一般高。

    She was nearly as tall as he was .

  12. 他坚持要求比一般高出一倍的工资,而且也得到了。

    He stuck out for twice the usual salary , and got it .

  13. 一般高师本科院校的人才培养模式探索

    Study on the Mode of Qualified Personnel Cultivation in the General Normal University

  14. 安和鲁斯个头一般高。

    Ann and Ruth are both of a size .

  15. 一般高阶等比序列的求解

    The Solutions of General High Order Equal Ratios Sequence

  16. 他们看起来都一般高。

    They seemed all of the same height .

  17. 彼得几乎和约翰一般高。

    Peter is about as tall as john .

  18. 人类视力不如老鹰视力好。他与父亲一般高。

    A human 's eyesight is not as good as an eagle 's eyesight .

  19. 加起来像教堂尖塔一般高!

    And all as tall as church steeples !

  20. 他们全是一般高,分不出谁高谁矮。

    They 're the same height , or as near as makes no difference .

  21. 还有树一般高的建筑。

    And buildings as tall as trees .

  22. 这两幅画挂得不一般高,这幅比那幅高。

    The two picture is not quite level that one is higher than the other .

  23. 介绍了一般高阻抗表面频率选择表面的原理和几种相关的典型的频率选择表面。

    The theory of general frequency selective surfaces and some typical frequency selective surfaces are introduced .

  24. 波涛汹涌像山一般高。

    The waves rolled mountain high .

  25. 一般高维解析函数的外推

    General Multidimensional Analytic Functions Extrapolation

  26. 我们两个看上去非常相像,个头一般高,都很瘦,甚至面容都很相像。

    We were as tall as one another , we were both thin , and even our faces were alike .

  27. 这只船的长度相当于2/3足球场的长度,三层房子一般高。

    The ship is 2 / 3 the length of a football field and as high as a three-storey house .

  28. 讨论了一般高阶代数微分方程的代数体函数可允许解的存在性问题,改进了N。

    In this paper , we investigate the problem of the existence of admissible algebroid solutions of complex differential equations and improve N.

  29. 对于较厚的层合板,基于一般高阶理论的应力计算结果往往不能满足工程要求。

    The analysis results of stress on laminated composite thick plates based on higher order theory can usually satisfy to engineering demand .

  30. 井下测震的地震监测能力理论值要高于实际观测值,一般高ML0·21左右。

    It is found that the theoretical monitor capability of borehole seismic observation is about 0.21 magnitudes ( M_L ) higher than the practical .