
  1. 然后他们移动一点拍一张。

    Then they moved it a tiny bit and took another picture .

  2. 轻轻拍一拍,一,二,三。

    Clap them soft-ly , one , two , three .

  3. 开始以单臂飞,呼吸每一拍,低一睁眼浸在水里,用直臂开始模拟的蝴蝶。

    Start with single arm fly , breathing low on every stroke , with one goggle in the water , using a straight arm recovery to simulate butterfly .

  4. 他可能一天只拍一场戏,整个一周都拍这场戏,重复五六次,她说。

    He might film only one scene in one day , and then he would film that scene five or six times in one week , she said .

  5. 因此在这个项目中,行为艺术的部分就是我试图去打破这个安全距离,仿佛是在故意“撞人”,在两个人最靠近的一个瞬间拍一张照片,看看对方有怎样的反应。

    In this project , the performative part is that I want to break this distance by bumping into people on purpose , and take a picture when the two get most " intimate ", to see how the person responses .

  6. 我听到声音,爱情是聋子,看到瞎子,一拍无情,一种崇高,我觉得爱情是情爱,爱是你惊奇的是,发光的小学生,那就是爱在你的眼睛里。

    I heard , love was sound for the deaf , sight for the blind , A beat for the heartless , a type of sublime , I feel that love is agape , love is surprise , The glow in your pupil , that 's love in your eyes .

  7. 这么说吧:如果一个导演拍了一部电影,并借片中反派之口说出茶党(TeaParty)的辞令,我觉得据此解读出自由派的意味还算公平(事实上,很多保守派流行文化评论人士是会这样做的)。

    Put it this way : If a filmmaker made a movie that put Tea Party rhetoric in the mouth of its villain , I think it would be fair to read that as a liberal message ( and , indeed , most conservative pop culture critics would ) .

  8. 这并不是说你们将会马上一拍即合并成为一个快乐的大家庭。

    It 's not likely that you 'll all suddenly click and become one happy family .

  9. 我移动脚步的节拍能让你的心漏跳一拍吗?让一首简单的旋律穿过你的身体?

    Can I move your feet make your heart skip a beat can a simple tune flow through you ?

  10. 圣诞节、跨年夜,一年才拍这么一次假期照,你当然想让它们特别一点。

    Holiday photos only come around once a year , so of course , you want them to be special .

  11. 但是马斯把罗德里格斯说的激动又震惊,于是马克西一拍大腿决定接受一份18个月的合同。(这是不是说明马斯也不会走了?)

    But so impressed was Rodriguez by what the Liverpool midfielder had to say , he has decided to commit to an18-month contract .

  12. 因为我们一开始只是想拍一部有关孩子的影片,来让我们的世界知道有许多小孩一直都生活在贫穷中,而没有机会过上好的生活

    Because we just wanna do a movie about children to let our world know that so many children have been poor and don 't have chance to have a good life

  13. “自拍”密码系统要求用户在其手机里下载一款应用并拍一张自拍进行注册,这样其面容就存储在系统里了。

    The ' selfie " password system involves customers downloading an app to their mobile phone and registering by taking a photo of themselves so their face is stored in the system .

  14. 班上的一位学生拍了一张照片来记录这一刻,然后在社交媒体上分享照片。很快,这所大学里的其他学生都在谈论这只狗。

    A student in the class took a photo to record this moment , and then shared the photo on social media . Soon , other students in the university were talking about the dog .

  15. 她母亲说,有一次她为了拍一朵野花,整个下午都蹲在那里,尝试不同角度,等待最佳光线,只为拍一张完美照片。

    Her mother remembers one time when she was taking a photo of a wild flower . She squatted there for an entire afternoon , trying different angles and waiting for the right light to get the perfect shot .

  16. 当花时间去进行一个家庭项目、分享一点愉快,拍一张照片时总会很高兴。

    I 'm always happy when I take the time to observe a tradition , do a family project , spread a little cheer , take a photo .