
liú xíng gē
  • pop song/music
  1. 知道中文流行歌的歌词,也(者)KTV唱过。歌唱家首先唱了一首流行的民歌。

    You know the lyrics to Mando-pop songs and / or have sung them in KTV . The singer led off with a popular ballad .

  2. 我想买一盘最新的流行歌带。

    I want to buy a tape of the latest pop songs .

  3. 我们乌克兰还有以此为题的流行歌呢

    In Ukraine , there are pop songs about it .

  4. 在你的专辑里,你总是唱了很多歌谣(流行歌,情歌)。

    Q : You sang a lot of ballads in your solo album .

  5. 你可以写流行歌,或发明时光机。

    You can write a pop song , or invent a time machine .

  6. 还有一些传统曲目,现在已经被流行歌替代了,有些还是英文歌!

    Some of the very traditional songs are also replaced by more modern " pop songs " . And some even sing in English !

  7. 在浩瀚的宇宙中,看着这片小小的叶子,当一首流行歌在我耳边响起,一丝忧郁轻轻掠过我的心灵。

    Viewing this tiny leaf from the boundless nature , a little melancholy swept past my heart as soon as a popular song slipped into my mind .

  8. 而迈克尔•杰克逊在一首流行歌中“拯救世界”的呼声传播到世界的每一个角落,或许比教皇每年的圣诞节致辞更鼓舞人心。

    Michael Jackson 's call to " Heal the World " in a pop song spreads to every corner of the planet and probably touches more people than the Pope 's annual Christmas message .

  9. 这些音乐包括美国黑人说唱歌手MC。哈默、金发美女乐队、沙滩男孩乐队和蒂娜-特娜等艺人的流行卡拉ok歌

    Tracks include popular karaoke favorites by artists such as MC Hammer , Blondie , The Beach Boys and Tina Turner 。

  10. 它是一首很流行的歌。

    It 's a song that is very popular .

  11. 主要是最流行的歌和芬兰歌曲。

    Mainly today 's hits and Finnish music .

  12. 最流行的歌是哪首?

    What is the most popular song ?

  13. 作为艺术流行之歌,电影歌曲成为人见人爱的抒情乐章;

    As the songs of art , film songs become lyric movement that people love deeply .

  14. 他的另一首非常流行的歌叫做《大糖果山》。

    Another of his songs that became very popular was called , @ big rock candy mountain .

  15. 他为一些20世纪最流行的歌曲谱写了歌词和音乐。

    He wrote the words and music for some of the most popular songs of the twentieth century .

  16. 听听你在过去写的一些东西,或你喜欢的一首很流行的歌。

    Listen to something that you 've written in the past , or a popular song that you like .

  17. 上初中流行粤语歌,那时最红的女歌手是梅艳芳。

    During my secondary school days , Cantonese pop songs were very popular , and Anita Mui at that time was the most popular female singer .

  18. 乐队演奏了新的专辑之后,又应观众要求演奏一首以前很流行的歌。

    The band performed the whole of their new album , and then one of their old hits as an encore as requested by the audience .

  19. 男人会听摇滚和流行大俗歌。

    Men Tingyaogun the vulgar and pop songs .

  20. 这里最流行谁的歌?

    Whose song is most popular here ?

  21. 舞台上,卡布在尽情演绎着一首久远的年代里曾流行过的歌。

    At the stage , my friend , a beauty , was singing a old popular song that used to be .

  22. 这是今年最流行的五首歌之一。

    It 's one of the five hits of the year .

  23. 巴人善歌,清江流域至今仍然十分流行的五句歌就是巴歌的重要形式之一。

    Five line verse , still prevailing in the Qing River valley today , is one of the most important forms of Ba Songs .

  24. 出土日书与楚地的疾病占卜《激楚》是春秋战国时期楚地流行的一支歌舞曲,与郑卫之音并称,具有急促交迫的音乐特点。

    Excavated Rishu ( Soothsaying Calendar ) and the Disease Divination in Chu Area On Spring and Autumn Period Warring States ," Jichu " was famous as a song in Chu area .

  25. 他还说道:一个想法浮现于我的脑海中,那就是我们拥有这些孩子在这些歌曲流行之前听这些歌的大脑反应的独一无二数据集合,我开始去怀疑我们是否可以去预测新歌曲的流行。

    It occurred to me that we had this unique data set of the brain responses of kids who listened to songs before they got popular . I started to wonder if we could have predicted that hit . '

  26. 法国边锋弗兰克·里贝里是本国嘻哈音乐的铁杆粉丝,阿根廷球星里奥·梅西喜欢阿根廷艺人塞尔吉奥·托雷斯的歌曲,而众所周知,德国前锋马可·罗伊斯会听加拿大流行歌手贾斯汀·比伯的歌。

    French winger Franck Ribery is a big fan of hip hop from his motherland , Argentine star Lionel Messi loves Argentine artist Sergio Torres " songs , while German forward Marco Reus is known to listen to Canadian pop singer Justin Bieber .