
  • 网络Mobil Office
  1. 伦敦成为一个巨大的流动办公室,这也许会在20年内变成现实。

    London as giant drop-in office could be a reality within 20 years .

  2. 这样一种未来的轮廓已经开始显现:伦敦会变成一个巨型的流动办公室,数百万居住地离它十万八千里、往往在另一个国家的临时工作者随来随走。

    Already the contours are emerging of a future London : the city as a giant drop-in office for millions of occasional workers who live far away , often in other countries .

  3. 普及消息传递将人与流动人员使用的设备联系起来,其中的流动人员并不指办公室人员,并且使用的是移动设备而非台式机或笔记本。

    Pervasive messaging can integrate people with devices in a mobile workforce where representatives are not office-based and are working with mobile devices rather than with desktop or laptop computers .