
  • 网络Nagareyama
  1. 水往下流,山往上长,而我如山,不断朝上进发。

    Water down the stream , up a long hill , and I like mountains , and constantly rolls upward .

  2. 结论再灌流前应用山茛菪碱能减少再灌流后氧自由基的产生,可减轻缺血&再灌流对移植肝脏的损伤。

    Conclusions The use of anisodamine before reperfusion could reduce the production of oxygen derived free radical , therefore alleviate the injury of grafted liver caused by ischemia reperfusion .

  3. 末后的日子,耶和华殿的山必坚立,超乎诸山,高举过于万岭。万民都要流归这山。

    In the last days the mountain of the Lord 's temple will be established as chief among the mountains ; it will be raised above the hills , and all nations will stream to it .