
  • 网络Water supply pipe;Hose;return lines
  1. 简述了甲基硫醇锡热稳定剂的合成和应用测试,提出了该热稳定剂在PVC透明硬片、热收缩膜、软料、透明粒料及上水管中的应用配方。

    Synthesis and trials of heat stabilizer-methyl stannum mercaptide are briefly introduced . Dosages of it in transparent sheets , heat shrinkable films , plasticized and transparent pellets and water pipes of poly ( vinyl chloride ) are presented .

  2. 聚氯乙烯上水管配方及加工的研究

    A study on formulations and processing conditions of UPVC water pipe

  3. 通过优化配方,得到效果良好的应用于上水管的热稳定剂配方。

    Some stabilizer recipes for water-pipe were obtained by optimization .

  4. 你把洗碟机接上水管了吗?

    Have you plumbed the dishwasther in yet ?

  5. 以齐鲁石化公司即将投产的聚氯乙烯同类牌号树脂(信越TK-800)为原料,研究了适用于单螺杆挤出聚氯乙烯上水管的配方、螺杆结构和工艺条件。

    In this paper , the formulations , screw structure and processing conditions of uPVC water pipe produced by a single screw extruder were investigated .

  6. 气塞有时发生在住房的水管中,特别是关上水管修理水笼头,然后再拧开水管时。

    An air lock sometimes happens in the water pipes of a house , especially if the water has been shut off to repair a tap , for example , and them turned on again .

  7. 改装各种上下水管,水电,以及PPR管等一条龙服务。

    Modification of various upper and lower water pipes , water and electricity , as well as PPR pipe one-stop service .

  8. 更换全部上下水管及煤气喉。

    The replacement of all plumbing and drainage pipework & gas installation .

  9. 松开左侧定向控制阀上的水管。

    Loosen water tube on directional-control valve at the left .

  10. 煤气上下水管的地下铺设的信息管理。

    Management of information concerning buried items such as gas and water pipes .

  11. 加上那水管帐单但愿我没付这个的钱

    With that plumbing bill , I hope I didn 't pay for it .

  12. 比如为什么你打开花园草坪上,水管的龙头,水管就会,向后蛇行呢?

    I remember I had a garden hose on the lawn and I would open the faucet and the garden hose would start to snake backwards . Why ?

  13. 他们制造的机器人用于上、下水管的检查,以便发现泄露和断裂防止造成重大损失。

    The robots they make are used to explore water and sewage pipes , and find leaks and breaks before they become expensive problems .

  14. 每台刀片服务器上的冷却水管将被接入服务器机架的水管网络中,最后再接入到主输水网络中。

    Pipelines from the individual blades link to the server rack 's water-pipe network , which in turn is connected to the main water transportation network .

  15. 在全球建筑上下水道用铜水管是发展趋势。

    On global building sewer uses cupreous conduit is development trend .

  16. 在英国东南部,修上一年的水管和龙头就能挣到7万英镑。

    Many in the South East earn £ 70,000a year for fixing pipes and taps .

  17. 在验证数学模型正确可信的基础上分析了冷却水管对钢坯传热过程和钢坯温度场的影响。

    The paper analyzed the influence of the cooling tube on the process of heating billet and temperature field of the billet in detail .

  18. 当朋友们试图拯救他们的家园时,他们站在铁皮屋顶上,拿着水管,直到烟雾和余烬粘在他们的衣服上。

    As friends tried to rescue their homes , poised on tin roofs , armed with hoses until the smoke and embers clung to their clothes .

  19. 笔者在文献[3]的基础上,基于冷却水管与混凝土之间热量交换的平衡原理,提出水管冷却混凝土温度场问题有限元求解的改进迭代算法,彻底解决了这一问题的求解。

    On the basis of the work of the reference [ 3 ] , the authors improved and suggested a iterative FEM procedure for solution to thermal problem in concrete with water-cooling pipes .

  20. 用西门子PLC实现长钢轨群吊多吊集控运行将防喷器吊到滑动门上,接上隔水管。

    Realizing Multi-crane Center Control of Long Rail Crane with Siemens PLC ; Move the BOP to the moonpool door and attach the marine riser .