
  1. 我知道上帝会眷顾他的。

    I know the Lord will look after him

  2. 上帝会赦免你所有的罪过。

    God will absolve you of all your sins .

  3. 上帝会在你我之间作出裁决。

    God will judge between you and me .

  4. 人们会攻击我们,上帝会诅咒我们。

    Men will hunt us , the gods will curse us .

  5. 听我说,你想上帝会帮助你踢进吗?

    Do you think God could help you make this kick ?

  6. 我本能地认为上帝会保佑我们的。

    They instinctively know when it is time to say goodbye .

  7. 上帝会给我们希望,你不用担心了。(思嘉离开房间,反身关上门。)

    Scarlett leaves the room , closing the door behind her .

  8. 你以为上帝会眷顾谁?

    Who do you think God really favors in the web ?

  9. 你知道在你做好你自己的时候上帝会微笑吗?

    Did you know that God smiles when you be you ?

  10. 上帝会在感恩节里保佑你和你的家人,直到永远。

    God bless you and your family at Thanksgiving and always !

  11. 也许上帝会接手药物无法解决的部分。

    Maybe god wiII pick up where the medicine Ieaves off .

  12. 如果你继续这样说,上帝会处罚你的。

    If you keep saying that , God will punish you .

  13. 法莫?戴蒙:人们都说上帝会保护无辜者地。

    Farmer Daimon : People say God watches over the innocent .

  14. 我不认为上帝会将这样的魔力。

    I do not see God putting a gift like that .

  15. 如果你把手机关了的话,上帝会帮助你的。

    And Lord help you if a cell phone goes off .

  16. 更重要的是,上帝会保佑我们。

    And most importantly , we will be protected by God .

  17. 你知道,哈利,上帝会保佑我们的孩子的。

    You know , harry , God gave us children .

  18. 上帝会知道你在哪里。

    God 's wrath will know where to find you .

  19. 你如果是对的,上帝会赐福你。

    If you 're right , you 'll have god 's blessing .

  20. 上帝会告诉你,在许多好朋友。

    God would show you the best in many friends .

  21. 这人还是说,不用,上帝会救我的。

    This person or that do not , God will save me .

  22. 她相信上帝会做最好的安排的。

    She had to trust in the Almighty to do the rest .

  23. 等你长大后,上帝会专门给你名单的。

    God will send you your own list when you 're older .

  24. 在天堂,上帝会为我们擦去每一滴眼泪。

    There in heaven God will wipe away every tear .

  25. 他们说上帝会关照他们和孩子们的。

    They said God would take care of them and their children .

  26. 专注于给予,上帝会带来你所需要的。

    Just concentrating on giving , God will give what u need .

  27. 上帝会见证,你并不想融入社会。

    God will see that you do not want society .

  28. 犹太人信任上帝会保护他们。

    Jews put their trust in God to protect them .

  29. 问问你自己,上帝会怎么做?

    Sir just ask yourself * what would Jesus do ?

  30. 上帝会给你天使的庇护。

    God has given you his angeis charge over you .