
  1. 生命质量论进入医学领域的初衷,是为医者的医疗决策提供一个可靠且合理的基本理论。

    The proposal of the quality of life doctrine is to provide a reliable and reasonable basic theory for the medical treatment decision-making .

  2. 生命质量论以功利主义的最大化幸福和最小化伤害来证成其正当性。

    The quality of life doctrine justify its legitimacy with the utilitarian view of the " maximize happiness " and " minimize harm " .

  3. 安乐死问题是全世界面临的一个有较大争议的问题,也是随着生命质量论的提出不可避免的问题。

    The euthanasia question is a disputable question the world faces , and also is an inevitable question along with the theory of quality of life proposed .

  4. 生命质量论乃是以生命质量来确定生命存在的必要性,具有真实操作性,是对生命控制技术进行伦理思考的最科学的基础理论。

    The theory of quality of life affirms the necessity of existence of life through quality of life , has real manipulation and is the most scientific and basic theory of thinking ethically the life-controlling technique .

  5. 最后,分析了安乐死道德评价中的矛盾:生命神圣论与生命质量论、情感主义与理性主义的矛盾、现实性与可能性的矛盾。

    Finally , the analysis of the contradictions in the moral evaluation of euthanasia : Life on the sanctity of theory and quality of life , emotional ism and rationalism of the contradictions , the contradiction between reality and possibility .

  6. 道德标准的非公度性造成了安乐死道德评价中的矛盾,主要表现为:(1)生命神圣论与生命质量论的矛盾;

    The non unity of the ethical criterions causes the conflicts in ethical evaluation of euthanasia . The conflicts are mainly the following : ( 1 ) the conflicts between the theory that life is holy and the theory that we should pay attention to the life 's quality ;

  7. 分析了重度烧伤护理中的伦理问题:1、生命神圣论、孝道、较高的烧伤救治率与生命质量论的冲突;

    The article analyzed ethical problems appeared in the caring of deep degree burn patients : 1.conflicts between quality of life and dignity of life ;

  8. 对人类生殖技术的探索,基于两个前提:优生学和医学的目的。同时也涉及到我们的生命道德观,即生命神圣论、生命价值论和生命质量论。

    At the same time , it also involves our morals of life , namely the view of holiness of life and the value of life and the quality of life .