
  • 网络Obedience
  1. 其中包括领袖的政治意图、权威机构的集体建构、公众的普遍认同,以及画家的服从意识。

    It takes the painting Beautiful Country as an example to illustrate the political intentions of leaders , the collective construction of the authorities , the general recognition of the public and the obedience of the artists .

  2. 如何看待企业领导对下属“服从意识”的青睐

    How to treat the business leaders'favor to their subordinates ' " obey consciousness "

  3. 孩子的权利意识相当弱,而服从意识远远大于这种权利意识。

    Children 's sense of right is pretty weak , and is far exceeded by that of obedience .

  4. 这些船员素质高,服从意识强,吃苦耐劳、能积极主动配合船东工作。

    These seamen , with high quality , strong obedience consciousness , and hardship endurance , can actively assist ship owners'work .

  5. 30年来,国外或民间,新加坡被普遍定位为言论空气沉闷、服从意识强烈的社会。

    For 30 years , Singapore has been widely seen by both foreigners and locals to be a country where the climate for opinion is sterile , and a society peopled by a pliant population .

  6. 本文首先分析了法律意识特别是法律服从意识的研究价值及其研究的先例,并阐明了以交通规则服从作为法律服从意识的范例进行研究的意义和研究综述。

    This paper analyzed the research value and precedents of legal ideology firstly , especially legal compliance ideology , and illustrated the research value and history of traffic rules compliance as the model of legal compliance ideology .

  7. 这样的评估方案重在有效地控制员工,强化员工的服从意识,但是员工对组织的发展战略和发展目标并不关心,他们更关心的是如何避免绩效评估体系的惩罚。

    This assessment program focuses on effective control of staff , strengthens the awareness of staff to obey , but the employees do not care organization development strategies and development goals , they are more concerned about how to avoid punishment of the performance evaluation system .