
fú wù ɡōnɡ sī
  • service company;service agency
  1. CompuServe在线服务公司的管理层正在处理这个问题,看样子,要不了多久,一切就能恢复正常。

    The CompuServe management is on the case now , and it looks as if things will return to normal soon .

  2. 他的饮食服务公司使他在41岁成了百万富翁。

    His catering business made him a millionaire at 41

  3. 工艺人员服务公司也售卖纱线和绣花丝线。

    Craft Resources also sells yarn and embroidery floss .

  4. 设在卢森堡的卫星服务公司无须像英国广播公司那样遵守严格的规定。

    The Luxembourg-based satellite service is not bound by the same strict rules as the BBC

  5. Bskyb,英国最大的卫星电视服务公司已经在向其900万用户提供互动广告了。

    BSkyB , Britain 's biggest satellite-television service , already provides 9 million customers with interactive ads.

  6. ValuableContent是一家总部位于英国的咨询公司,致力于帮助专业服务公司创建、编写并发布用于市场营销的内容。

    Valuable Content is a UK-based consultancy that helps professional service firms create , write and share marketing content .

  7. 油价资讯服务公司(oilpriceinformationservice)表示,墨西哥湾汽油现货价格较10月交割的汽油期货价格高出约28美分/加仑。

    Gulf Coast spot gasoline fetched about 28 cents per gallon more than futures for October delivery , the oil price information service said .

  8. 内部人士表示,过去几个月,瑞银金融服务公司(UBSFinancialServices)8000余人的经纪人网络中又增添了400多名新成员。

    UBS Financial Services has added more than 400 brokers to its 8,000-strong network in the past few months , insiders say .

  9. 例如,假象在一个过去的商业服务公司的项目中,第三方合作伙伴使用一个Web服务请求您的系统的信息。

    For example , suppose that on a past project at a financial services company , your system requested information from a third party by using a Web service .

  10. 他也不是机构股东服务公司(ISS)在今年股东大会召开之际(proxyseason)建议惠普公司罢免的3位董事之一。

    Nor was he one of the three HP board members that ISS recommended against this proxy season .

  11. 上周,塔塔咨询服务公司(TataConsultingServices)的首席执行官称,公司正在谋求全球范围内的收购。

    Last week , the CEO of Tata consulting services said the company was looking to make purchases around the world .

  12. 当时,福特的Keydata投资服务公司(KeydataInvestmentServices)正处于英国一起大型金融崩溃案的中心,估计受害者有3万名。

    At the time , Mr. Ford 's firm , Keydata Investment Services , was at the center of one of the biggest financial collapses in Britain , with an estimated 30000 victims .

  13. 因此,代理投票顾问公司机构股东服务公司(InstitutionalShareholderServices,ISS)建议反对一些惠普董事当选。

    As a result , proxy advisory firm institutional shareholder services ( ISS ) recommended against the election of some HP board members .

  14. 分析人士表示,随着监管规定的实施,大型参与者将受益,例如阿里巴巴(Alibaba)旗下的金融业务浙江蚂蚁小微金融服务公司(ZhejiangAntSmall&MicroFinancialServices)。

    As regulation takes effect , analysts say big players such as Alibaba 's finance affiliate , Zhejiang Ant Small & Micro Financial Services , stand to benefit .

  15. 作为其筹资的一部分,Uber与广汽集团(GuangzhouAutomobileGroup)建立了合作关系,这家叫车服务公司继续积极进入中国。

    As part of its fundraising , Uber has landed a partnership with Guangzhou Automobile Group , as the ride-hailing company continues an aggressive push into China .

  16. 在印度新德里,我们测试的公司是LanguageTranslationInc.,这是一家美国的翻译和口译服务公司,在年年初开辟了24小时电话口译服务。

    In New Delhi , India , we tested Language Translation Inc. , a U.S. - based translation and interpretation services that started a24-hour telephone interpretation services early this year .

  17. 不妨访问一下科技网站AllThingsD,该网站搞到了一些有趣的信息,包括有人预测这家音乐流媒体服务公司在全美范围内运营一年之后,其美国用户人数将达到5000万人。

    Head over to all things D , which got its hands on some interesting info , including projections that the music streaming service will reach 50 million American users after just one year of stateside operations .

  18. 这样一来,云游戏服务公司就类似于网飞公司(Netflix)等订阅服务提供商。

    This allows cloud gaming companies to operate much more like subscription services such as Netflix ( NFlx ) .

  19. 每年发布两次的全球金融中心指数(globalfinancialcentresindex)显示,在出现金融危机及金融服务公司大量裁员之后,伦敦和其最大的竞争对手纽约自2月份以来不断丧失竞争优势。

    The global financial centres index a twice-yearly ranking found that both London and New York , its nearest rival , had lost ground since February in the wake of financial crises and massive job losses in financial services .

  20. 他曾是网络电影与电视剧流媒体服务公司Netflix的联合创始人,并曾经出任该公司第一任首席执行官。

    Most recently Marc was co-founder of the online movie and television streaming service Netflix , serving as their first CEO .

  21. 由Cerberus牵头的一批投资者目前持有通用汽车金融服务公司的多数股权。

    A group of investors led by Cerberus holds a majority stake in GMAC .

  22. ESCO(EnergyServiceCompany)是能源服务公司的简称,这类新型的节能服务公司在世界各地的建筑节能领域取得了相当巨大的成果。

    ESCO ( Energy Service Company ) is that the sources of energy service company shorter form . This kind of late-model energy conservation service company has got pretty gigantic achievement in world everywhere building energy conservation field .

  23. 就在收购Oculus的几周前,Facebook刚刚同意斥资190亿美元收购移动即时通讯服务公司WhatsAPP。

    The acquisition of Oculus VR Inc. comes just weeks after Facebook agreed to buy mobile-messaging company WhatsApp for $ 19 billion .

  24. 埃拉德•吉尔是地理定位服务公司MixerLabs的共同创始人兼首席执行官,该公司已被Twitter收购(EladGil现任Twitter战略顾问)。

    Elad Gil was co-founder and CEO of mixer labs , which was acquired by twitter ( where he currently serves as a strategy advisor ) .

  25. 我们的目标是成为企业在物流管理方面不可或缺的伙伴,进而成长为中国乃至全球领先的在线物流b2b服务公司。

    Our target is to be the indispensable logistic partner to different companies and finally become the leading domestic or even worldwide online B2B service company in logistic area .

  26. 雷切尔(Rachel)原来在一家金融服务公司的公关部工作,公司总部在纽约,整个部门只有她一个人在英国工作,但是最近她已经辞职了。

    Rachel , who worked until recently in corporate communications at a financial services company headquartered in New York , was the only one in her department based in the UK .

  27. 一些高管表示,如果埃克森美孚(exxonmobil)、英国石油(bp)和荷兰皇家壳牌(royaldutchshell)等国际石油企业希望企业兴旺,它们将不得不改变业务模式,变得与服务公司更相似。

    Some suggested that the international oil companies such as ExxonMobil , BP and Royal Dutch Shell would have to change their business model to become more like service companies if they were to prosper .

  28. 因此,甲骨文在“为云提供动力”的技术方面获得的创新仅仅只是让Salesforce这类服务公司变得更强大而已。

    So Oracle innovation in technology that " powers the cloud " simply makes service companies like salesforce that much more powerful .

  29. 他也曾为富国银行(WellsFargo)、企业租车服务公司EnterpriseRent-a-Car、西北互助人寿保险公司(NorthwesternMutual)和金融咨询公司EdwardJones等公司培训高管最大程度地发挥脑力。

    He also coaches executives at companies like Wells Fargo ( WFC ) , enterprise rent-a-car , Northwestern Mutual , and financial advisors Edward Jones on how to get the most out of their brains .

  30. 作为协议的一部分,克莱斯勒旗下车贷公司ChryslerFinancial将被并入通用汽车金融服务公司(GMACLLC),以后购买克莱斯勒汽车的人将主要向这家公司寻求贷款。

    As part of the agreement , Chrysler 's lending arm , Chrysler Financial , will be folded into GMAC LLC , which will become the main financing source for all Chrysler vehicles .