
  1. 本课题研究的首要问题是:让同学们深刻认识到什么是动画运动规律,通过正确的教学如何才能学好动画运动,并做出自己满意的动画作品。

    The first question about this study : let students deeply understand what the axiom of animation movement is , how to learn animation movement axiom well by teaching , and to make themselves own satisfactory animation .

  2. 本科动画运动规律课程学习之所以成为动画设计专业的重中之重,一个看似简单的运动动作,如果没有运动规律原理的理解分析和实践,想要做出自然流畅的动画影片将十分复杂。

    The undergraduate courses about animation movement axiom have become the most important professional animation , a seemingly simple exercise , without understanding and practice of the principles of movement axiom , and to make the natural flow animation film will be very complicated .

  3. 较好地解决了动画角色多运动规律模型随时连续切换难题,提出了一套人工鱼的局部运动规律建模与模型的随时连续切换方法。

    How momentarily continuously to switch the motion models of animated agents in animation is better settled . A way to establish local motion models of artificial fishes and a method momentarily continuously to switch the models are given .

  4. 所以严格要求学生必须掌握动画中一切事物运动规律及原理,不断观察、分析、实践,达到理论与实践相结合的目的。

    So , we require strictly students to master all things about axiom and principles of animation movement , and constantly to observe , analyze , practice , and to achieve the purpose of theory and practice integration .