
  • 网络nutritional blanced diet;Household Nutritional Diet
  1. 结果表明,营养配餐在贮藏期间pH值均有所下降,其中炒蛋下降的最明显。

    The results showed that the values of pH all decreased especially fried eggs .

  2. 本文论述的是关于营养配餐的问题。

    This text is the problem about the nutrition compound food .

  3. 产妇营养配餐的效果评价

    Evaluation of Effect of Nutritional Diet on Parturient

  4. 模拟退火算法在营养配餐优选系统中的研究与应用

    Study and Realization of Optimization of Nutritional Diet to Disease Based on Simulated Annealing Algorithm

  5. 对中式营养配餐工业化设备进行了分类概述。

    In the end , the classification of the Chinese nutritional diet industrialization equipment was summarized .

  6. 幼儿园提供科学营养配餐,满足幼儿营养的需求。

    Scientific and nutritious meals are provided in the kindergarten to meet the nutrition needs of kids .

  7. 资料综合:9个不同类型的实验分别分析了运动训练和营养配餐与肌肉体积的关系。

    DATA SYNTHESIS : In the 9 different type of experiment , the relationship of sports and nutrient diet with muscle volume was analyzed , respectively .

  8. 提出了中式营养配餐的技术创新要点、工业化开发内容、生产工艺流程、配送与消费程序及其主要技术指标。

    The technical innovation point , Industrialization development content , production technical process , procedure of distribution and consumption , and the key technical index were put forward .

  9. 目的:研究冷习服机体血清必需氨基酸、14种矿物质含量的变化,为指导寒区部队的膳食结构,营养配餐,做好卫勤保障工作提供的依据。

    Objective : To study the changes of essential amino acids and 14 minerals in serum during cold acclimatization so as to provide reliable basis for guiding the dietary pattern , meal planning of the army in cold area and ensuring service hygiene .

  10. 本文研究并实现了针对疾病的营养膳食配餐。

    This topic studies and realizes the optimization of nutritional diet to disease .

  11. 模拟退火算法在疾病与营养膳食配餐领域的研究与实现为计算机应用开辟了新的空间。

    The study and realization of simulated annealing algorithm provide a new application space for computer optimized algorithm .

  12. 结果63.6%的学校按要求制定了食堂卫生管理制度,仅2所学校有学校营养午餐配餐制度。

    Results Most schools ( 63.6 % ) had food hygiene regulations , and only a few schools had school nutrition lunch regulations .

  13. 营养膳食优化配餐初探饲用大豆饼粕营养研究

    RESEARCHES ON NUTRITION MEAL OPTIMUM PRESCROPTION Nutrition of the Soybean Meal Used as Feedstuffs

  14. 本文介绍了根据管理信息系统的原理、方法开发的医院营养管理信息系统软件,内容包括营养配餐、膳食管理、计划、统计、成本核算、营养分析与评价等内容。

    This paper deals with the development of the Nutrition Management Information System of hospitals following the principle and method of management information system . The content includes nutritious diet design , diet management , plan , statistics , cost accounting , nutrition analysis , evaluation etc.