
  • 网络Operating vehicles;commerial vehicle;CV Commercial Vehicle;commerialvehicle
  1. 在此基础上,针对道路运输管理部门不同角度的超速分析需求,提出将OLAP技术应用于营运车辆超速多维分析中。

    On the basis , this paper presents that it is efficient to apply OLAP technology to the multi-analysis of commercial vehicles speeding according to the requirements of transportation management sector .

  2. 系统应用效果表明改进后的聚类算法运行速度明显优于原算法,将OLAP技术应用于营运车辆的超速规律分析能有效进行超速的多维展现和结果的可视化。

    The results indicate that the improved clustering algorithm outperforms the original one in terms of efficiency and the application of OLAP to the analysis of speeding can efficiently implement multi-dimensional analysis and visualization .

  3. 营运车辆电子证照信息系统在城市交通安全监管中的应用

    Application of Commercial Vehicle Electronic License Information System in Urban Traffic Safety Monitoring

  4. 试论交通运输业的特点科技兴运服务市场扎扎实实搞好营运车辆技术等级评定

    Thriving on Scientific Transportation Service for Markets Carefully Evaluate Technical Grade of Business Vehicles

  5. 目前,营运车辆检测、技术等级评定过程中存在许多问题。

    At present , commercial vehicle examination , in the technical classification process has many problems .

  6. 一旦变为营运车辆,其车辆的报废年限就变成了8年。

    Once they 've done that , their vehicles have to be scrapped after 8 years .

  7. 研究成果对交通管理部门和道路运输企业加强营运车辆和驾驶员管理,降低道路交通事故发生方面具有一定的参考意义和指导作用。

    This result has some consult effects on strengthening operating vehicle and driver management for traffic management and enterprise .

  8. 有两个主要研究营运车辆运送物品,或存放办公自动化学报及营运档案。

    There are two primary vehicles for delivering OA to research articles , OA journals and OA archives or repositories .

  9. 汽车综合性能检测是道路运输管理机构把好营运车辆技术状况关的基本手段。

    Automotive integrated function detection is a basic means for the Road TransportAuthority to supervise the technique condition of commercial vehicles .

  10. 营运车辆运行过程中发生故障不但造成财产损失,而且会导致重大人员伤亡,尤其是营运客车。

    Especially commercial motor-vehicle of passenger transport , not only cause property loss , but also heavy big casualties if commercial motor-vehicle failure in operating process .

  11. 而营运车辆由于其特殊性,经常行驶于恶劣的环境中,因此对驾驶人进行某些典型工况下的培训是很有必要的。

    Because of the particularity , the commercial vehicles often travel in a harsh environment , so it is necessary for the driver to train in typical conditions .

  12. 周淮称,政府将加大力度打击非法营运车辆,价格上涨后这些车辆生意可望增加。

    The city is also to intensify its crackdown on illegal cabs , Zhou said , as they may see an increase in business because of the rise in fares .

  13. 随着我国道路运输事业的飞速发展,道路交通事故问题日益严重,尤其是营运车辆道路交通安全形势极其严峻。

    With the rapid development of road transport business in china , road traffic accident problems are getting more and more serious , especially operating vehicle road traffic safety situation is very severe .

  14. 新规《征求意见稿》要求互联网叫车应用将所有接入平台的车辆登记为营运车辆,须遵守和出租车一样的法规,包括8年就得报废。

    The proposed framework would oblige internet apps to register all their cars as commercial vehicles , subjecting them to the same laws as taxis including a ban on vehicles older than eight years .

  15. 节能减排指的是降低能源消耗和减少污染物排放,道路运输行业的节能减排主要是指通过道路运输企业的管理和控制来提高营运车辆的燃油使用效率、降低燃油消耗和减少尾气排放。

    Energy conservation and emission reduction of the road transportation industries mainly refers to control and management by the road transport enterprise to improve operation vehicles fuel efficiency and reduce fuel consumption and reduce emissions .

  16. 该公交公司仅采取融资租赁的方式,与租赁公司合作,租回200多辆崭新的大巴车辆(占该公交公司营运车辆总数的50%以上),大大缓解了公交运力不足。

    But X Public Transportation Corporation has adopted a different way : leasing 200 plus new buses , which account for more than half of their total numbers , to solve the lagged transportation capability .

  17. 但由于营运车辆具有无固定经营场所、营运收入难以确定、车主变动频繁等特点,给税收征管带来不少困难。

    However , as operating vehicle have no fixed place of business , operating income is difficult to determine , the owner frequent changes and so on . it bring a lot of difficulties of tax collection .

  18. 道路交通的持续发展,机动营运车辆的大幅增加,使得交通安全形势日趋严峻,而超速行驶是导致交通事故的主要原因之一。

    With the highly development of road traffic and the increase of commercial vehicles , traffic safety becomes more and more severe . It has been proved that speeding is one of the main reasons for traffic accidents .

  19. 将使用可靠性综合评价方法应用到营运车辆使用可靠性监管当中,以动态监管数据指导营运车辆进行维修、保养,确保营运车辆运行安全。

    Integrated evaluation method of use reliability will be used to monitor the reliability of commercial motor-vehicle . The dynamic supervision and management data is used to guide the upkeep and maintenance of commercial motor-vehicle , and ensure the safe operation of commercial motor-vehicle .

  20. 营运车辆超载的社会危害性极大,经济效益的驱动、交通安全意识的淡薄、多头管理及管理措施的不配套、特权车的不良示范,是超载滋生的主要原因。

    The overload of vehicles for transportation is greatly harmful to society . The drive of economic benefits , the indifference of traffic security consciousness , the multiple management , the incomplete managing measures and the bad example of privileged vehicles are main reasons causing overload .

  21. 此外,我国可以结合自身的国情,借鉴国外发达国家的合理经验,配备先进的执法装备、建立营运系统的信用体系和合理规模城市营运车辆的规模等。

    In addition , our country can unify own national conditions , the reference of foreign developed countries the reasonable experience , equipped with advanced law enforcement equipment , building and operation system of credit system and reasonable scale of urban operating unlawfully scale , etc.